ShurickAgapitov: Providing the

ShurickAgapitov: Providing the "Best Solution" for Chinese Game Developers to Dig Gold Abroad

The value of an entrepreneur is reflected in his overall leadership and forward-looking vision of enterprise development, as well as in how much empowerment he and the enterprises he creates can bring to the industry's development.Recently, Shurick Agapitov, CEO and founder of Xsola, came to China to gain a deep understanding of China's gaming technology and corporate development status, and redefine Xsola's strategic layout in the Chinese market...

Unity officially launches AIHub for developers

Unity officially launches AIHub for developers

On June 29th, game production software provider Unity officially launched the AI software market AIHub for developers, providing a more convenient AI software trading platform for AI software developers and game developers.According to the company, the solutions in AIHub cover a range of features, including generative AI solutions, AI/ML integrated solutions (used to enhance workflows or connect projects to AI suppliers), and behavioral AI solutions (tools for developers to create behaviors in the game world, from pathfinding and enemy logic to non player character response)...