What is the difference between a refrigerator over 2000 and a refrigerator over 10000? I used two and finally figured it out!

What is the difference between a refrigerator over 2000 and a refrigerator over 10000? I used two and finally figured it out!

Refrigerators, as a common household appliance, are already essential household appliances in daily life.Throughout the refrigerator market, there are significant differences in price and quality...

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the twoWhen purchasing air conditioning, one often hears the following sentence:Non professionals buy frequency converters, while professionals buy fixed frequenciesSo, what are variable frequency air conditioners and fixed frequency air conditioners, and what are the differences between them?This article will provide a detailed explanation to help everyone better choose the right air conditioner for themselves.1...

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

WeChat has always been a frequently used social tool.I don't know if you have this kind of trouble: WeChat friends are getting more and more, and there are also more and more friends with only one horizontal line in their circle of friends...

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

introductionPlanctomycetes bacteria have unique cell structure and seriously invaginated membrane, among whichT. ImmobilisThe subcellular proteome was examined by differential dissolution and subsequent LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) analysis,A total of 1569 proteins were identified...