Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Research on Hybrid Rice: Discovering that

Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Research on Hybrid Rice: Discovering that "Wild Failure" is the Result of Perseverance

Changsha, China News Agency, October 11 (Xinhua) Question: Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Hybrid Rice Research: Discovering that "Wild Failure" is the Result of PersistenceReporter Tang Xiaoqing and Xu ZhixiongThe discovery of 'wild defeat' is not the various versions that I have found while taking a shower, walking, fishing, or urinating in the public. In fact, 'wild defeat' was discovered through years of persistent research by Professor Yuan and his team, as well as through hard searching in various parts of China...

Urban Highway Hidden Underground | Discovering the Great Bay Area

Urban Highway Hidden Underground | Discovering the Great Bay Area

|Greater Bay Area Synthetic Biology Laboratory|Controversy over the safety of chemically synthesized pigmentsHigh cost of natural pigmentsHow can biosynthetic pigments break through?Everything can be AICan artificial intelligence really design proteins?These cutting-edge achievements in Synthetic biologyIs being implemented in a location in the Greater Bay AreaAs a representative discipline of biotechnology and information Technological convergenceSynthetic biology is considered the futureOne of the disruptive technologies.At the Shenzhen Engineering Biology Industry Innovation CenterA large numberResearchers from startups in the Greater Bay AreaIs it cheaper than natural pigments? More environmentally friendly than chemically synthesized pigments?Biosynthetic pigments stand out in a variety of pigment production industries!Becoming a new trend in the development of pigment production industry?Yuan Xiaoli:Since entering human civilization, we have experienced several forms of civilizationAgricultural Civilization PeriodHuman beings obtain material and energy mainly through Natural product; After entering the industrial civilization, due to technological progress, people synthesized a lot of substances and energy through chemistry...