China's Domestic Airplanes

China's Domestic Airplanes "Drink" "Used Cooking Oil," Ushering in a New Era of Green Aviation

China's Domestic Airplanes "Drink" "Used Cooking Oil," Ushering in a New Era of Green AviationRecently, the ARJ21 regional aircraft and the C919 large passenger aircraft developed by COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) successfully completed their first test flights fueled by domestically produced bio-aviation fuel, marking a significant step forward for China in the field of green aviation. The bio-aviation fuel used in the test flights was derived from waste cooking oil, commonly known as "gutter oil," utilizing bio-aviation fuel production technology independently developed by Sinopec (China Petrochemical Corporation)...

After France suspended sales of iPhone 12 due to excessive radiation, Apple suddenly switched to oral soft drinks!

After France suspended sales of iPhone 12 due to excessive radiation, Apple suddenly switched to oral soft drinks!

According to Reuters, Apple announced on the 15th that it will release a software update for the iPhone 12 phone in France to meet the standards enforced by French regulatory agencies, and looks forward to the phone continuing to be sold in France.Recently, France announced a suspension of sales of iPhone12 phones due to excessive radiation levels...

Ma Yun has been encountered in many places abroad! Street side night market binge drinking beer, 630 yuan short sleeved exposure consumption level

Ma Yun has been encountered in many places abroad! Street side night market binge drinking beer, 630 yuan short sleeved exposure consumption level

The Eighth Birthday AnnalsEditor | Eighth Birthday RecordFollow Lao Ba and learn more exciting news!Preface:Recently, Jack Ma, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in a low-key manner on the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,This has sparked speculation and discussion among many netizens.In the photo, Ma Yun has faded from his business attire, and his Casual wear also make netizens look bright,It seems that Jack Ma is in a good mood,It can be seen that the fine of over 7 billion yuan imposed on Ant Finance before had little impact on him...