WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!

WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!

WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!This evening, WeChat official public account "WeChat Pai" announced the official launch of the Live Photos feature on WeChat Moments. Users can now select and publish Live Photos from their phone albums when posting on Moments...

 The Absurd Evolution of

The Absurd Evolution of "Dynamic Island Screenshots": From "iPhone Online" to "Cyber Catfishing"

The Absurd Evolution of "Dynamic Island Screenshots": From "iPhone Online" to "Cyber Catfishing"The term "dynamic island screenshot" might be unfamiliar to you. However, if you frequent platforms like Xianyu or follow social media trends, you've likely heard of, or even experienced firsthand, the bizarre phenomenon it's spawned...

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

Microsoft Approved Modular VR Head Display Patent with Dynamically Adjustable Head Display Configuration

On November 3rd, according to the latest list released by the US Patent and Trademark Office, Microsoft has successfully obtained a patent for modular VR head display technology. This patent can dynamically adjust the head display configuration to adapt to different user environments...

StableDiffusion's new gameplay is on fire! Given a few words, a dynamic graph can be generated

StableDiffusion's new gameplay is on fire! Given a few words, a dynamic graph can be generated

Xi Xiaoyao Technology Says OriginalityAuthor | Mini PlayLet's just talk about the development of large model AI and its assistance in unleashing people's imagination,The methods based on the StableDiffusion model bear the brunt. Through text description to image generation technology, large models have opened up a vast and dreamy world for our imagination...

The persistence of ALG-125755 in mouse liver pharmacodynamics is associated with total siRNA and RISC binding siRNA

The persistence of ALG-125755 in mouse liver pharmacodynamics is associated with total siRNA and RISC binding siRNA

At the 2023 European Liver Conference (EASL 2023), researchers from the American clinical stage biopharmaceutical company AligosTherapeutics introduced another latest progress in the development of small interfering RNA (siRNA) ALG-125755 drugs,The pharmacodynamic persistence of ALG-125755 (a GalNAc binding siRNA) in mouse liver is related to the total siRNA and RNA inducible complex (RISC) binding siRNA.This study is sourced from Aligos Corporation, EASL2023The researchers introduced that the continuous disappearance of HBsAg (HBsAg) is required to achieve functional cure of chronic hepatitis B...

Musk sent his first dynamic message

Musk sent his first dynamic message "x" when he returned to China, and then sent it again in the early morning of the 6th. What does it mean

Last week, Elon Musk went on a fruitful trip to China as Tesla's CEO. Not only did I personally inspect the super factory in Shanghai after three years, but I also met many heavyweights...