Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

In recent years, countries around the world have been actively promoting the development and deployment of 5G technology,After Huawei began to lead the world in 5G technology in 2019, the US began to show unease. They realize that the constantly rising technological level of Chinese enterprises poses a threat to their technological hegemony...

Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Text | MZJEditor | Canned Green OrangeFaced with sanctions from Western countries led by the United States, Huawei has always adhered to its original intention and has not been defeated by the West.In 2022, Huawei achieved normalized operations under the blockade and suppression of the United States...