A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events:

A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events:

A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events: Friday, August 30, 2024, the 27th day of the 7th lunar month. What noteworthy events happened today? Let's take a look!1...

Foxconn's latest update: Unexpected events attract attention!

Foxconn's latest update: Unexpected events attract attention!

Foxconn denies being thoroughly investigated and needs to pay 180 billion yuan in taxes, calling online rumors rumors rumors and demanding that netizens distinguish right from wrong, not believe rumors, and reserves the right to pursue accountability. Previously, the tax department conducted tax inspections on Foxconn's enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu, and other places, while the natural resources department conducted investigations on their land use in Henan, Hubei, and other places...

Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

First thing: Civil Aviation Administration: Encourage aviation companies to provide more preferential policies for students to purchase ticketsRecently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China expressed its concern and support for the student community on online platforms. This measure is a response to the suggestion of netizens to "launch discounted student airfare"...