Fear on the Moon: Earth Through the Eyes of Astronauts

Fear on the Moon: Earth Through the Eyes of Astronauts

Fear on the Moon: Earth Through the Eyes of AstronautsLanding on the Moon was undoubtedly a giant leap for mankind, but what remains unknown to many is the inexplicable fear astronauts experience when looking back at Earth from the lunar surface. This fear does not originate from the apprehension of the unknown, but rather from the awe and shock that comes with witnessing their familiar home from a completely new perspective...

Fearless of

Fearless of "Roasting" Inspection | Jianglu Group Heat Treatment Worker: 860 High Temperature Side Operation "Fine Work"

Red Net Moment News Reporter Ling Yuqing Intern Huang Yiyuan Correspondent Wang Zefen Reports from Xiangtan30 quenching furnaces are in operation in the heat treatment workshop of Jianglu Group.As soon as I entered the workshop, a heatwave swept over my face, and 30 quenching furnaces were working...


The "China Initiative" triggered the cicada effect! More than 70% of Chinese scientists are fearful, and everyone is at risk

The ruling career of former US President Trump is highly controversial. Due to its crude diplomatic approach, it not only tore up Iran's nuclear agreement, but also launched a trade war against China, and even targeted European allies, leading to a deterioration of European American relations...