2023 World Internet Conference Xiaohongshu Talks on E-commerce: Integrating E-commerce into Communities, Connecting the Full Link from Content to Trading

2023 World Internet Conference Xiaohongshu Talks on E-commerce: Integrating E-commerce into Communities, Connecting the Full Link from Content to Trading

From November 8th to November 10th, the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. On the afternoon of the 9th, Xu Lei, Vice President of Xiaohongshu, participated in the "E-commerce New Business Forms and Development Forum" and discussed the topic of "E-commerce Ecological Service Innovation"...

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

On November 3rd, the 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference with the theme of "Cloud Gathering Ecology, Digital Projection of the Future" was successfully held in Qingyang City, Gansu Province. As a stop in the Huawei Cloud's "Hundred Cities, Ten Thousand Enterprises Travel to China" special action, this conference revolves around digital transformation, discusses new opportunities for the "East Digital and West Computing" project, and explores innovative paths for the development of Qingyang's digital economy and rendering industry...

Dongfang Selection: Self operated Wuchang rice fully meets the requirements for origin, raw grain, and process traceability

Dongfang Selection: Self operated Wuchang rice fully meets the requirements for origin, raw grain, and process traceability

On the evening of November 4th, Dongfang Selection released a statement stating that the "Dongfang Selection Wuchang Rice Fragrance" product fully meets the execution requirements of the national standard GB/T19266 Wuchang Rice Standard. The raw grain variety is Wuyou Rice No...

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 8:11 am on October 31, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 16 manned flight mission was a complete success...

Who is it that has made these

Who is it that has made these "jumping clowns" famous for being illiterate and full of rascals?

Wen/Nanke ChroniclesEdit/Nanke ChroniclesAt first glance, the blue witch, and then it's Audi A7.In recent years, some inexplicable internet buzzwords have swept through, and the speed at which they have become popular is astonishing...

Have you lost a lot? China undertook the construction of Indonesia's high-speed rail, and it was only after its opening that it fully understood that it was not an ordinary skill

Have you lost a lot? China undertook the construction of Indonesia's high-speed rail, and it was only after its opening that it fully understood that it was not an ordinary skill

One TalkEdit | One TalkWhen it comes to high-speed rail, I have to mention ChinaThe total operating mileage of high-speed rail exceeds 31000 kilometers,Ranking first in the world,Infrastructure Demon.,,yesYawan High Speed Railway...

Chinese astronaut Jiang Xinlin: warmth of family and glory of aerospace industry, full of popularity

Chinese astronaut Jiang Xinlin: warmth of family and glory of aerospace industry, full of popularity

Recently, the home of Chinese astronaut Jiang Xinlin was bustling with excitement. Jiang Xinlin is an outstanding representative of China's aerospace industry, and his achievements and honors are highly regarded...

The second global case of a pig heart transplant patient who has not experienced rejection at the full month of surgery is recovering mobility

The second global case of a pig heart transplant patient who has not experienced rejection at the full month of surgery is recovering mobility

The second genetically modified pig heart transplant patient in the world, carried out by the UMMC team at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the United States, showed no signs of rejection in the body after one month of surgery.Last month, UMMC performed a pig heart transplant for Lawrence Faucete, a 58 year old patient with end-stage heart failure...

How long can unmanned driving be fully realized? Dialogue with Science Popularization Experts on

How long can unmanned driving be fully realized? Dialogue with Science Popularization Experts on "Chegu Youth"

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, October 21st NewsWhat preparations do you need to make to become a scientist like you? "" How long can we achieve true unmanned driving in the future? "" Some parents around us are taxi drivers. If unmanned driving technology matures in the future, will they be unemployed? "Three student representatives competed to ask questions to the "big shots"...

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

Asphalt is widely used in fields such as road repair, waterproof coatings, and waterproof rolls. According to statistics, the global demand for asphalt exceeds 100 million tons per year...

Dell's full flash memory array has been humiliated by Huawei, and the rise of Chinese storage is unstoppable!

Dell's full flash memory array has been humiliated by Huawei, and the rise of Chinese storage is unstoppable!

Geeks, stay calm and don't get excited! You know, we Chinese people have always been steady and focused on the situation.Today, we will objectively discuss how Huawei Bro can compete against Yangyang Dell in the global full flash array market, and ultimately whether it can dominate!Huawei's rise is unstoppable in the global market for all flash memory arraysI believe everyone knows that in the high-end server storage market, full flash arrays are a very core component...

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

On the one5th, China Petroleum released a message,The largest ultra deep condensate gas field in China, Bozi Dabei Gas Field in Tarim Basin, has been fully completed and put into operation, marking a new stage of large-scale development in the new trillion cubic meter atmospheric area of the Tarim Basin, adding new guarantees for the safe and stable gas supply of the West East Gas Pipeline.Bozi Dabei Gas Field is located at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and is a national key project...