High quality development research tour - small resistance leverages big industries

High quality development research tour - small resistance leverages big industries

Science and Technology Daily reporter Liu Yin DupengFrom raw material warehousing to resistance printing, sintering, laser cutting, from screening to surface treatment, magnetic separation to package testing, finished product warehousing....

Shocking Reveal! Shenzhou 17 is about to launch, with three space heroes on stage!

Shocking Reveal! Shenzhou 17 is about to launch, with three space heroes on stage!

China's aerospace industry has always attracted global attention. The Shenzhou 17 mission is about to depart, marking a new stage in China's manned spaceflight...

The image has collapsed, it will be difficult to recover. With the release of Hongmeng 4.0, does Xiaomi still need to surge?

The image has collapsed, it will be difficult to recover. With the release of Hongmeng 4.0, does Xiaomi still need to surge?

Wen/QingxueEditor/Qing XueWith Huawei's release of the Hongmeng 4.0 operating system, the Chinese technology industry has once again sparked a new wave...

Kwai: Suhua will no longer be the chairman of the board of directors, but still be the executive director

Kwai: Suhua will no longer be the chairman of the board of directors, but still be the executive director

On the evening of October 20, Kwai announced at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that, due to the need to focus on other matters, Su Hua will no longer serve as the chairman of the board of directors and the authorized representative of the company as defined in Article 3.05 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited from October 29, 2023...

Message: Apple may introduce generative AI functionality in iOS18

Message: Apple may introduce generative AI functionality in iOS18

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On October 20th, Jeff Pu, an analyst at Haitong International Securities, recently stated that Apple may introduce generative AI functionality to the iPhone and iPad when it releases iOS18 at the end of 2024.The analyst said that Apple will introduce hundreds of artificial intelligence servers within 2023 and further increase the number next year...

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

On October 20th, at the 2023 Information Technology Application Innovation Symposium with the theme of "Core" enjoying opportunities and "Core" moving towards the future, Zhu Chonglie, Secretary of Jinhua Municipal Party Committee, stated that in recent years, Jinhua has taken vigorously developing the information technology application innovation industry as a key focus and continuously expanding its competitive advantages in the digital era. At present and in the future, Jinhua will firmly shoulder the mission of the era of "based on the actual situation, leveraging its advantages, leveraging strengths and weaknesses, and creating new brilliance", anchor the goal of "building a strong city with integrated digital and real industries", promote the development of the information and innovation industry at a high level, build a high-level information and innovation industry platform, optimize the information and innovation industry ecology at a high level, and lead the industrial transformation and upgrading with the digital economy...

The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine independently developed by China is offline

The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine independently developed by China is offline

Source: People's Daily Weibo Replay suspend 00:07 / 00:49 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine, developed independently by China, is offline. The bearing is a "big iron ring" with a diameter of 8...

Global Times answers readers' questions: Who manages the International Space Station?

Global Times answers readers' questions: Who manages the International Space Station?

Editorial Comrade:There are reports that a coolant leak occurred recently in the Russian operated section of the International Space Station. Excuse me, how is the International Space Station classified and managed?Jiangsu Reader Wang BinThe International Space Station is located in Earth's low Earth orbit and is the world's largest modular space station...

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

According to foreign media reports, the South Korean Federation of Industries (FKI) recently released the results of the Global Artificial Intelligence Index, which compares the levels of artificial intelligence industries in various countries. The United States and China occupy a dominant position in the field of artificial intelligence, forming a "two military competition"...

Dell's full flash memory array has been humiliated by Huawei, and the rise of Chinese storage is unstoppable!

Dell's full flash memory array has been humiliated by Huawei, and the rise of Chinese storage is unstoppable!

Geeks, stay calm and don't get excited! You know, we Chinese people have always been steady and focused on the situation.Today, we will objectively discuss how Huawei Bro can compete against Yangyang Dell in the global full flash array market, and ultimately whether it can dominate!Huawei's rise is unstoppable in the global market for all flash memory arraysI believe everyone knows that in the high-end server storage market, full flash arrays are a very core component...

Explore Xiaomi 14Pro: Ultra clear square image module, stunning recognition!

Explore Xiaomi 14Pro: Ultra clear square image module, stunning recognition!

Xiaomi 14Pro Real Machine Rendered Image Exposure: The configuration is robust, and the camera design has raised doubts. On October 13th, the exposure blogger released a set of Xiaomi 14Pro Real Machine Rendered Images, which has attracted widespread attention...

Meituan Buying Vegetables vs. Duoduo Buying Vegetables vs. Taocai: Comparison of Quality and Price

Meituan Buying Vegetables vs. Duoduo Buying Vegetables vs. Taocai: Comparison of Quality and Price

With the rapid development of the Internet, online shopping has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Purchasing ingredients is one of the essential tasks in our daily life...