Fusion Ignition Ignites the Future: US Achieves Landmark 'Ignition'

Fusion Ignition Ignites the Future: US Achieves Landmark 'Ignition'

Fusion Ignition Ignites the Future: US Achieves Landmark 'Ignition'ForewordEvery advance in human civilization has been fueled by technological progress. From the steam engine to the internet, every major scientific breakthrough has transformed our way of life and shaped the future world...

Over 100 million people! The Asian Games digital torchbearer has set a record and is about to embark on the first ever digital ignition ceremony for the opening ceremony

Over 100 million people! The Asian Games digital torchbearer has set a record and is about to embark on the first ever digital ignition ceremony for the opening ceremony

On September 15th, with an 8-day countdown to the Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee's globally pioneering "Asian Games Digital Torchbearer" ushered in a milestone moment: the total number of participants exceeded 100 million. The participation of hundreds of millions of digital torchbearers in the Asian Games not only successfully created the online torch relay event with the widest coverage area, the largest number of participants, and the longest duration in the history of the Asian Games, but also will open the first opening ceremony digital ignition ceremony in the history of the Asian Games...