2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

2023 World Internet Conference | Xinhua III: Innovative Digital Intelligence Embracing the Future of AI

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy118102023&Nbsp;geoponics AIEmpowering a hundred industries2023 is the tenth year of the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference. This year, the conference focuses on the new digital situation and actively promotes the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, focusing on popular topics such as global development initiatives, digital green collaborative transformation, artificial intelligence, and computing power networks...

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

From November 5th to 10th, the 6th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai. Numerous enterprises actively participated in the technical equipment exhibition area, with various highlights showcasing new products, technologies, and services...

2023 CIIE: Intel China Releases Corporate Social Responsibility Report to Promote the Implementation of RISE Strategy in Multiple Areas

2023 CIIE: Intel China Releases Corporate Social Responsibility Report to Promote the Implementation of RISE Strategy in Multiple Areas

At the beginning of this year, Intel Global CEO Pat Kissinger visited Beijing and stated at the 2023 Intel Sustainable Development Summit that sustainable computing power should be used to support sustainable development, He said, "Intel looks forward to establishing in-depth partnerships in the field of sustainable development, which is in line with Intel's goals and the expectations of the Chinese industry. In the journey of sustainable development, Intel China is firmly committed to becoming a partner for everyoneSustainable development has become Intel's clear strategy...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

Artificial Intelligence Helps Save Endangered Species

Artificial Intelligence Helps Save Endangered Species

The World Tide of Technological InnovationReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperIn a recent report, the UK's Nature website pointed out that an increasing number of scientists are using artificial intelligence in the field of biodiversity conservation. They analyze a large amount of data, monitor ecosystems, identify trends over time, address the challenge of biodiversity loss, and save endangered species...

How did the first Artificial Intelligence Security Summit go

How did the first Artificial Intelligence Security Summit go

The first Artificial Intelligence Security Summit came to an end on the 2nd at Brightley Park, a password cracking center in the UK during World War II. What topics were discussed during the two-day meeting by representatives from nearly 30 countries and regions, representatives from multiple international organizations and research institutions, well-known experts in the field of artificial intelligence, and industry leaders? What results have been achieved?Two types of artificial intelligence and five major goals During the meeting, representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, China, India and other countries discussed the risks and opportunities brought by the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology...

Qualcomm Plus Layout Generative AI, Unlocking New Imagination Space for Intelligent Terminals

Qualcomm Plus Layout Generative AI, Unlocking New Imagination Space for Intelligent Terminals

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAt present, generative AI, as a new technological singularity, is expected to become a link point for the smooth transition from mobile connectivity to the Internet of Things. According to relevant research reports, the market size of generative AI will increase from $40 billion in 2022 to $1...

Embracing the AI Big Model, Great Wall Motors' Digital Intelligence Breakthrough Adding Sharp Edge

Embracing the AI Big Model, Great Wall Motors' Digital Intelligence Breakthrough Adding Sharp Edge

Global Network Reporter Wang Yuqi; With the hot trend of the "Hundred Model Wars" in the first half of the year, the general artificial intelligence big model is gradually being implemented in specific application scenarios, and this big model revolution is also sweeping towards the automotive manufacturing industry.Recently, Great Wall Motors Co...

Amazon is testing and launching artificial intelligence image generation tools

Amazon is testing and launching artificial intelligence image generation tools

On October 26th, Amazon announced that it is testing and launching an artificial intelligence image generation tool aimed at eliminating creative barriers and enabling brands to create lifestyle images that help improve advertising effectiveness.The image generation function is easy to use and does not require any technical expertise...

IDC: The market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 is 5.32 billion yuan

IDC: The market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 is 5.32 billion yuan

On October 25th, according to a report by market analysis firm IDC, the market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 was RMB 5.32 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 4...

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Science and Technology Daily reporter Ye QingOn October 21st, the 21st Huacheng Academician Technology Summit and the Fourth Academic Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC 2023) were held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Experts and scholars from around the world participated in the conference in a "online+offline" manner...

Chinese water quality remote sensing experts and scholars exchange discussions to promote deep integration of remote sensing big data and artificial intelligence

Chinese water quality remote sensing experts and scholars exchange discussions to promote deep integration of remote sensing big data and artificial intelligence

China News Network, Beijing, October 21 (Reporter Sun Zifa) The Aerospace Information Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASS) released news to the media that the third water quality hyperspectral remote sensing new technology exchange seminar was held in Tianjin from October 20 to 21, and more than 200 experts, scholars and enterprise representatives from all over the country in the field of water quality remote sensing gathered together to focus on the theme of "remote sensing technology to help industry innovation and development", Jointly explore the latest progress in hyperspectral remote sensing technology for water quality, especially promoting the deep integration of artificial intelligence technology and remote sensing big data.From October 20th to 21st, the 3rd Symposium on High Spectral Remote Sensing New Technology Exchange for Water Quality was held in Tianjin...