Listed! China Laos Railway Welcomes Diesel Locomotives Made in China

Listed! China Laos Railway Welcomes Diesel Locomotives Made in China

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:20 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Recently, two high-power diesel locomotives designed and manufactured by CRRC Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd...

The 20 most expensive bridges in China, with the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge ranking first and two bridges in Anhui listed

The 20 most expensive bridges in China, with the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge ranking first and two bridges in Anhui listed

There is a saying that has always been circulating in the world bridge industry: bridge construction depends on Europe and America before the 1970s, Japan in the 1990s, and China in the 21st century! In the Chinese bridge of the 21st century, China ranks second, while no other country ranks first. Bridge construction is to facilitate people's travel and promote economic development...

Tencent To-do will cease operations and be delisted on December 20th

Tencent To-do will cease operations and be delisted on December 20th

It is understood that Tencent To-do is a to-do list and schedule management tool presented in a WeChat mini program. It can help users complete tasks and schedule time, and provide functions such as cross device cloud synchronization, cycle reminders, inventory management, and clear classification...

Foreign media review of the top 8 mobile phones in 2023, Samsung's first Google 3, shortlisted

Foreign media review of the top 8 mobile phones in 2023, Samsung's first Google 3, shortlisted

Unconsciously, three quarters of 2023 has passed. Although there are still nearly three months until the end of the year, foreign media have already begun to inventory the best phones in 2023...

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Daily Youxian, known as the "first stock of fresh e-commerce", may be delisted from the US stock market. On June 14th, Beijing time, the stock price of Daily Fresh, which was about to delist on the Nasdaq overnight, suffered another heavy drop, closing down 9...