Systematically promoting ecological governance in the Heihe River Basin

Systematically promoting ecological governance in the Heihe River Basin

Not long ago, the Ejina Oasis located in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia welcomed the long-awaited Black River. This is the first time for Heihe River to reach the East Juyan Sea in the key dispatching period of this year, and it is also the 42nd time for Heihe River to successfully dispatch its resources into the East Juyan Sea for 22 consecutive years...

I'm in Paris | A few bedbugs trigger panic throughout France: a biological crisis or a public relations crisis?

I'm in Paris | A few bedbugs trigger panic throughout France: a biological crisis or a public relations crisis?

Recently, there has been a strange phenomenon on the subway in Paris - even if there are many empty seats on the train, many Parisians choose to stand. I have hardly sat down on the subway in the past week...

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

On September 20th, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and other institutions released the 20 billion parameter version of the InternLM 20B, which is open source and commercially available on the ModelScope of Alibaba Cloud. The Shusheng Puyu Big Model System and the Magic Building Community have established a significant ecological cooperation to jointly promote the ecological construction of China's Big Model...

The Era Needs

The Era Needs "Field Answers" for Scientific and Technological Talents

Micro Discussion on Talents A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only by strengthening agriculture can the country be strong. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas...

Break through foreign technological blockade! China's First Heavy Construction of a

Break through foreign technological blockade! China's First Heavy Construction of a "Great Power Weapon" to Fill the Domestic Gap

Source: CCTV News ClientReporter Ren Qiuyu from the headquarters:This is the hydraulic press forging plant of China Yizhong, where many of the core components of heavy equipment in major countries are forged. A nearly 500 ton steel ingot has just been taken out of the heating furnace and is now being transported to a 15000 ton hydraulic press for forging...

Hainan's scientific and technological achievements made their debut at the 20th China ASEAN Expo

Hainan's scientific and technological achievements made their debut at the 20th China ASEAN Expo

Hainan Daily reporter Qiu JianghuaThe Wukong unmanned submersible, which can dive to the bottom of the deepest Mariana Trench in the world; Orchard plant protection robots that cover all stages from weeding to picking, allowing people to "plant with air conditioning"; Cosmetics made from sea grapes known as "green caviar"....

Dr. Wuhan was awarded the

Dr. Wuhan was awarded the "Top Ten Science Popularization Talents of the Province" and presented the effectiveness of water ecological governance with "a drop of water travel"

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client September 17th NewsOn September 17th, China welcomed the 20th National Science Popularization Day event. On the 16th, Hubei Association for Science and Technology held the 2023 Hubei Science Popularization Bright Treasure Meeting in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Botanical Garden...

The charm of Qingdao's scientific and technological innovation in the eyes of foreign experts

The charm of Qingdao's scientific and technological innovation in the eyes of foreign experts

Maglev with a speed of 600km/h, the world's largest marine Gene pool, Leitz ultra high precision measuring machine, "Fuxing" intelligent Multiple unit, air suspension centrifugal water chiller, active air temperature control container....

China's uranium geological exploration has entered a new stage

China's uranium geological exploration has entered a new stage

Our newspaper, Hohhot, July 21 (Reporter Wang Junling) On July 21, the national high-quality development conference on uranium geological exploration hosted by the Chinese Nuclear Society and undertaken by the China Nuclear Industry Geology Bureau was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The reporter learned from the meeting that in the past decade, China has achieved significant breakthroughs in uranium exploration...

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Beijing, July 21 (Reporter Li Hongmei) At present, China has entered the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control, and North China has entered the rainy season. Meteorological monitoring showed that heavy to rainstorm occurred in western Beijing and central Hebei on the night of the 20th, and strong rainfall still occurred in North China during the day of the 21st...

To ensure the sustainable northward movement of

To ensure the sustainable northward movement of "Yihong Clear Water", the geological survey team of the Provincial Coal Field Geological Bureau will fully serve the ecological protection construction of the Nansihu Lake Basin

In order to ensure that "a clear water flows northward continuously", the physical survey team of the Coal Field Geology Bureau of Shandong Province, a geological environment party branch, took the initiative to take the initiative to undertake the "1:50000 multiple ecological Geological survey and evaluation project in the Nansihu Lake area of Shandong Province", and went all out to help build the ecological protection pattern of "one core, one screen, two belts, three zones and multiple corridors" in the Nansihu Lake basin, becoming the geological pioneer of ecological protection in the Nansihu Lake area.Leading the Party Building and Aggregating Forces to Take on Heavy TasksThe geological environment party branch of the team is a young Economic entity, which has been established for less than four years, and the average age of the staff is less than 35 years old...

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

Recently, 'If WeChat shows read' has made it to the hot search and sparked discussions among netizens,Most netizens hold a negative attitude towards this.Netizen "Tuyi Le Ha" bluntly stated that if WeChat shows that they have read, they will be "sentenced" by their friends because they do not reply to messages but forget to reply...