Public misconception: Is using Gaode and Baidu Maps free? Actually, I have to pay every day

Public misconception: Is using Gaode and Baidu Maps free? Actually, I have to pay every day

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Which is more accurate, Gaode Map or Baidu Maps? Old driver: Out of the city, the difference is quite obvious

Which is more accurate, Gaode Map or Baidu Maps? Old driver: Out of the city, the difference is quite obvious

#Everything we see and get is very scientific#The emergence of navigation software has greatly facilitated people's lives, making it easier to drive, walk, and take transportation to unfamiliar destinations.Baidu Maps and Gaode Maps are both popular navigation software, but many old drivers said that although these two navigation software perform equally well in the urban area, once they leave the urban area and drive to the expressway or suburb, the difference between the two navigation software is very obvious...