Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to

Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to "Chosen" Material, Building China's Fourth Largest High-Performance Fiber Industry

Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to "Chosen" Material, Building China's Fourth Largest High-Performance Fiber IndustryYou might not know this, but the five-star red flag displayed by the Chang'e-6 lander on the far side of the moon is actually made from basalt fibers spun from Xinjiang. This flag not only symbolizes the advancement of China's aerospace technology, but also reveals the extraordinary potential of Xinjiang basalt...

How to build roads on the moon? Latest international research claims that laser melting of lunar soil can create paving materials

How to build roads on the moon? Latest international research claims that laser melting of lunar soil can create paving materials

Beijing, October 13th (Reporter Sun Zifa) How to build roads on the moon? Springer Nature's open access academic journal "Scientific Report" recently published a research paper on astronomical concept validation, stating that using lasers to melt lunar soil to create harder layered material may create paved roads and landing pads on the moon.Although this experiment was conducted using lunar dust substitutes on Earth, the findings of this study demonstrate the feasibility of the technology, indicating that it can be replicated on the moon, thus becoming an important achievement in "paving the way for the moon"...