Space Electromagnetic Technology Symposium: Focusing on Low-Earth Orbit Commercial Satellite Communication Payloads, Promoting Space Infrastructure Construction

Space Electromagnetic Technology Symposium: Focusing on Low-Earth Orbit Commercial Satellite Communication Payloads, Promoting Space Infrastructure Construction

Space Electromagnetic Technology Symposium: Focusing on Low-Earth Orbit Commercial Satellite Communication Payloads, Promoting Space Infrastructure ConstructionCurrently, the global aerospace industry is moving towards 6G, and space infrastructure is showing a trend of low-Earth orbit, commercialization, constellation formation, and low cost. In 2024, commercial space was included in the government work report, becoming a new type of productive force and a key driver of space infrastructure construction...

 China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New Heights

China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New Heights

China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New HeightsCrewed spacecraft typically have short-term missions, mainly focused on transporting astronauts into space and safely bringing them back to Earth. Cargo spacecraft, on the other hand, shoulder more critical and enduring tasksproviding continuous supply for space stations...