Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

The renaming of Huawei payment institutions has attracted strong market attention. Recently, the central bank website showed that it has agreed to change the company name of Huawei's payment company Shenzhen Xunlian Zhifu Network Co...

Huawei responded by launching

Huawei responded by launching "petal payment": promoting Hongmeng's ecological construction and not competing with Alipay WeChat

Recently, Huawei's payment business has made new progress - its payment institution "Xunlian Zhifu" has been renamed "Huaban Payment".The central bank has updated the "Announcement of Major Change Permits for Non bank Payment Institutions", and Huawei's payment business has made new progress...