WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!

WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!

WeChat Moments Officially Launches Live Photos Feature: Dynamic Pictures and Sounds Make Your Moments More Vivid!This evening, WeChat official public account "WeChat Pai" announced the official launch of the Live Photos feature on WeChat Moments. Users can now select and publish Live Photos from their phone albums when posting on Moments...

40 pictures, hard core details how to play Microservices project in K8s!

40 pictures, hard core details how to play Microservices project in K8s!

Kubernetes , + Kubernetes Kuberneteskubernetes kubernetes 4kubernetesjavaspring boot RPCRESTFUL 1.1 Martin flowerler https://martinfowler...