These behaviors seriously damage the phone battery, please terminate immediately

These behaviors seriously damage the phone battery, please terminate immediately

When we use mobile phones, many people do not pay much attention to the maintenance of the phone battery. Many people buy new phones, and the battery loses power very quickly...

India finally faced a counterattack, and Xiaomi launched a counterattack. However, Indian media said please understand our grievances

India finally faced a counterattack, and Xiaomi launched a counterattack. However, Indian media said please understand our grievances

India has always been known as the destination for foreign enterprises. No foreign enterprise can achieve a complete withdrawal in India...

Please advise your boss not to be a big enemy of digital people

Please advise your boss not to be a big enemy of digital people

01Recently, some businesses launched the live broadcast of digital people, but the live broadcast room was closed less than a minute after the start of the broadcast. Tiktok Live was banned from live broadcast for a week...

Elderly people trapped by smartphones, please wait for them in the smart age

Elderly people trapped by smartphones, please wait for them in the smart age

As of the end of 2021, the number of elderly people aged 60 and above in China has reached 267 million, accounting for 18.9% of the total population...

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your familyMobile phones, this small device, have become an essential part of our lives...

8 adorable WeChat mini programs, each easy to use and free of charge, please use them in a low-key manner

8 adorable WeChat mini programs, each easy to use and free of charge, please use them in a low-key manner

There are many useful mini programs on WeChat, but they are so hidden that many people are unaware. Today, I will share with you 8 adorable WeChat mini programs that are easy to use and free of charge...

Received AppleID remote login SMS, please do not click on it!

Received AppleID remote login SMS, please do not click on it!

The first time I encountered this kind of thing, it was too scaryRecently, Ms. Xie (pseudonym), a resident from another city, shared her almost deceived experience on social media: her Apple ID (note: Apple account) was modified 13 times by strangers in the early morning...

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

Not long ago, I switched from Apple's iPhone 14 ProMax to Huawei's Mate50. After using it for a while, I realized that this choice made me both love and hate...

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Reminder: Do you know the commonly used code words in pyramid schemes? Words such as "water stirring plan", "dark box operation", "it's raining", "waiting for flowers to bloom", "silent period", etc. are often used by scammers to deceive people...