The Billionaire's Regret: The Rift Between Liu Qiangdong and His Son, and the Warmth of

The Billionaire's Regret: The Rift Between Liu Qiangdong and His Son, and the Warmth of "Milk Tea Sister"

The Billionaire's Regret: The Rift Between Liu Qiangdong and His Son, and the Warmth of "Milk Tea Sister"Liu Qiangdong, the e-commerce giant, a self-made legend, owns billions of dollars and is a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, behind this dazzling aura lies a deep regret and pain in the heart of a father...

  The Y-10: China's Aviation Regret and Rebirth

The Y-10: China's Aviation Regret and Rebirth

The Y-10: China's Aviation Regret and RebirthIn February 1985, a sudden announcement crushed the dreams of Chinese aviation professionals. The Y-10 large passenger aircraft project, which had been successfully developed and was about to undergo test flights, was forced to be terminated due to financial constraints...

 The Apology of Evergreen Hotel in Paris: Genuine Regret or Forced Submission?

The Apology of Evergreen Hotel in Paris: Genuine Regret or Forced Submission?

The Apology of Evergreen Hotel in Paris: Genuine Regret or Forced Submission?Recently, the Evergreen Hotel in Paris sparked widespread outrage after it was discovered that they had removed all national flags, except for the Chinese flag, a blatant act of discrimination. The hotel subsequently released an apology statement, claiming the incident was due to "inconsiderate handling" and that they would strengthen employee training to prevent similar incidents from happening again...

American intestines are regretful! Sending 1 gram of lunar rocks has allowed China to develop multiple cutting-edge technologies

American intestines are regretful! Sending 1 gram of lunar rocks has allowed China to develop multiple cutting-edge technologies

Editor | Observation MethodThe article started with the headline of Guanlvming Fa[Content sourced from reader submissions]Due to platform rules, you will only be recognized as an iron fan if you have more interaction with me. If you like my article, you can click on oneFollowAfter becoming an iron fan, you can receive article push notifications as soon as possible...

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Recently, some netizens revealed that Wumart's Beilun Intime store is about to close!According to the closed store announcement, the supermarket will stop operating externally on the evening of October 20th. Currently, the products in the store are also being cleared for sale, making it the second supermarket in Beilun to close its store...