The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

On September 15th, the reporter learned from State Power Investment Group Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Development Co., Ltd...

Sharing bird watching experience and understanding the wisdom of flower survival, Haizhu Square Science Popularization Market opened

Sharing bird watching experience and understanding the wisdom of flower survival, Haizhu Square Science Popularization Market opened

[Source: New Flower City Guangzhou]On the morning of September 16th, Haizhu Square launched the "Science and Technology Green Ecological Science Popularization Shining to the Heart" science popularization market activity, which is divided into six sections and is guided by interactivity, experience, and participation, Provide vivid and interesting science popularization experiences for citizens and tourists.Exploring the 'Secret' of BiodiversityExploring the 'Secret' of BiodiversityAt the event site, citizens and tourists can not only learn about the protection of ancient and famous trees through science exhibitions, but also visit various tree protection tools displayed on site...

WeChat based Student Leave and Cancellation System SSM during the Epidemic

WeChat based Student Leave and Cancellation System SSM during the Epidemic

Development language: JavaFrontend technology: JavaScript, VUE. js (2...

Record of the

Record of the "hottest hot spring" in the surrounding area of Sichuan Basin

Original title: Water from the "hottest hot spring" in the Sichuan Basin AreaHot spring drilling platform operation area. Photographed by reporter Huang XiaoHot spring water outlet platform...

The court ruled that Google claims compensation of 338.7 million US dollars for infringement

The court ruled that Google claims compensation of 338.7 million US dollars for infringement

On July 25th, according to Reuters, a federal jury in Waco, Texas, ruled that Alphabet's Google remote streaming technology infringed on a software developer's patent rights and must compensate $338.7 million...

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:19 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos E'enye 2 Well723E'enye 2 Well51000E'enye 2 Well250051117001800405/1000Rock core immersion experimentAnalytical Gas Combustion ExperimentThe relevant person in charge of the Provincial Geological Survey Institute evaluated that the exploration results of this well can be extended to the northern areas of Enshi City City, Jianshi County and other places with the same geological structure. It is predicted that the Shale gas resources in this area are about 400 billion cubic meters, with a potential economic value of more than one trillion yuan...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Beijing, July 21 (Reporter Li Hongmei) At present, China has entered the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control, and North China has entered the rainy season. Meteorological monitoring showed that heavy to rainstorm occurred in western Beijing and central Hebei on the night of the 20th, and strong rainfall still occurred in North China during the day of the 21st...

Aerial crane

Aerial crane "vehicle" construction! The main arch ring of the Youlada Bridge, a controlled project along the Yangtze River Expressway, was successfully closed

Source: Sichuan Daily - Chuanguan NewsChen Junling, Chuanguan News Reporter Wang MeilingOn July 20th, the reporter learned from Shudao Group that the control project of the Yangtze River Expressway (Yijin section), the Youlada Bridge, successfully completed the closure of the main arch ring, marking the official start of the lifting operation of the upper structure of the bridge, laying a solid foundation for the completion of the main project of the bridge by the end of the year.The control project of the Yangtze River Expressway, the main arch ring of the Yueulada Bridge, was successfully closed...

Live wiring, connect live wire first or neutral wire first? Remember this order and do not get an electric shock no matter how you connect it

Live wiring, connect live wire first or neutral wire first? Remember this order and do not get an electric shock no matter how you connect it

Live wiring, connect live wire first or neutral wire first? Remember this order and do not get an electric shock no matter how you connect itElectrical maintenance is a task that requires strict adherence to safety operating procedures. When dealing with live wiring, the correct operating sequence is crucial to ensure that we do not experience electric shock or other risks during the repair process...

The world's most serious engineering mistake: spending a huge amount of money to build a bad debt! China accounts for two

The world's most serious engineering mistake: spending a huge amount of money to build a bad debt! China accounts for two

The result of investing a huge amount of funds, consuming a lot of manpower, and meticulously designed drawings....

Exploring the Mysteries of Early Earth Evolution

Exploring the Mysteries of Early Earth Evolution

Source: [Mining Industry]News from our newspaper (reporter Liu Xiaohui) The "fourth outstanding university students' geoscience summer camp in Liaodong Peninsula" of the Geological Research Institute of the China Geological Survey recently opened in Beijing, aiming to guide and cultivate the interest of university students in geoscience research, and accumulate talents for geoscience research.It is understood that 20 outstanding students majoring in geosciences from 14 universities at home and abroad, including China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Jilin University, Hohai University and Cambridge University, participated in the summer camp...