Russia's Soyuz MS-25 Spacecraft Launches Three-Person Crew to International Space Station

Russia's Soyuz MS-25 Spacecraft Launches Three-Person Crew to International Space Station

Moscow, March 23 - Russia's Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft lifted off on a Soyuz-2.1a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:36 p...

Comparison of the number of satellites in China, the United States, and Russia: 2944 in the United States, 169 in Russia, and China?

Comparison of the number of satellites in China, the United States, and Russia: 2944 in the United States, 169 in Russia, and China?

Space Sports: Competition and Cooperation in the International Satellite FieldIn 1957, humans launched their first artificial satellite, marking the beginning of the satellite era. Since then, satellite technology has continuously made breakthroughs, and space sports have entered a new chapter...

Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries are rushing to purchase Mate60 from China: official response finally

Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries are rushing to purchase Mate60 from China: official response finally

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Why did the Sino Russian C929 project break up? What engine will the C929 be equipped with?

Why did the Sino Russian C929 project break up? What engine will the C929 be equipped with?

Could you please click on 'Follow' to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation? Thank you for your support!Having gone through a historyEditor | went through a historyAs the two major aircraft manufacturers in the world, Boeing and Airbus almost monopolize the civil aviation market worldwide,China is no exception, as it pays up to $20 billion annually to Western countries for the maintenance of passenger aircraft alone.In order to break free from the monopoly position of the two major hegemons, China and Russia announced cooperation on the CR929 aircraft project, in order to break the dominance of Boeing and Airbus...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...

Why does a Chinese train have to stop for 5 hours to leave when it enters Russia? Change the chassis of the train to understand

Why does a Chinese train have to stop for 5 hours to leave when it enters Russia? Change the chassis of the train to understand

Why does the K3 international train in China have to stop for 5 hours when entering Russia? What is the truth behind this?The K3 International Train is a transcontinental long-distance train from Beijing to Moscow in China. It started in 1959 and has been through more than 60 years of ups and downs...