A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

AskM9, a model from the Seres brand, boasts a range of advanced features, including the Huawei Intelligent Cockpit and Intelligent Driving system. However, one of its most impressive aspects is its use of laser welding technology provided by Huagong Technology...

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors are in talks to help Elon Musk's artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI raise $3 billion in a new funding round that would value the company at $180 billion, according to a report on April 7 by a foreign media outlet. Key Players Venture capital firms Gigafund and Steve Jurvetson are reportedly among the backers considering participating in the funding round...

ASK M5 Standard Edition Rear End Construction Vehicle, AITO Automobile responded that AEB has minimized collisions to the greatest extent possible

ASK M5 Standard Edition Rear End Construction Vehicle, AITO Automobile responded that AEB has minimized collisions to the greatest extent possible

On November 15th, IT Home reported that a video of the rear end collision accident of Wenjie M5 recently caught the attention of netizens. In the video, a Wenjie M5 collided with a trailer hauling asphalt on the highway, causing serious damage to the front of the vehicle...

Black silk wrap buttocks skirt

Black silk wrap buttocks skirt "delivery girl", look silly Meituan!

Original headline, no moving, violators will be prosecuted! Before reading this article, please click on theFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Source/Yeshen FinanceAuthor/Ye Shen Finance01Black silk short skirt, high heeled uniform, curved waist and buttocks, showcasing beautiful and natural colors!This scene is not about a runway show or a live broadcast room, but rather about a real-life performance that takes place on the streets, various office buildings, and streets...

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw this behind the scenes, he flew into a rage Mp32:47From the corners of this cityRecently, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk shared his latest visit on social media, but this visit was unusual. Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and witnessed firsthand the tragic situation faced by the people there...

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or notThe era of big data has profoundly changed our way of life, not only affecting personal privacy, but also playing an important role in legal and anti pornography work...

How to prevent security risks in the era of large models

How to prevent security risks in the era of large models

Our special correspondent to Wuzhen& Nbsp; Liu& Nbsp; Yang& Nbsp; Li XuanminWith the continuous popularity of generative artificial intelligence models represented by ChatGPT, global technology companies and research institutions are laying out their own large models. The rapid development of generative artificial intelligence and large models has also brought new challenges to network security...

According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of

According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of "brain computer chips" in Musk Neuralink, and the number of surgeries will exceed 22000 by 2030

On Tuesday local time in the United States, biographer Ashlee Vance revealed in an article that thousands of people were queuing up to receive brain implants from Neurolink, a brain computer interface company owned by Elon Musk.It is reported that Neuralink underwent 155 surgeries on sheep, pigs, and monkeys in 2021, and 294 surgeries last year...

Musk Reveals Heavy Information! The brain computer interface company under its umbrella is developing a visual chip

Musk Reveals Heavy Information! The brain computer interface company under its umbrella is developing a visual chip

Edited by: Du YuDid Musk make a big move again? This time it is aimed at visually impaired groups.On Tuesday, renowned Australian technology media expert Marcus House posted on social media platform "X" that his 14-year-old son Alex suffers from CRB1 retinal dystrophy, a rare eye condition...

The siltation of the Three Gorges has become a problem, and the price of river sand in China is skyrocketing. Why not let people dig it up?

The siltation of the Three Gorges has become a problem, and the price of river sand in China is skyrocketing. Why not let people dig it up?

Shen Yan CaseThe article was originally created and published by the headline of the Shen Yan case. Please do not plagiarize or reprint itIn the construction market,The price of inconspicuous sand in the river channel once skyrocketedAlso known asSoft GoldHas become an important scarce resource in China...

Visiting the Gaza refugee camp, Musk witnessed the tragedy and spoke out in anger!

Visiting the Gaza refugee camp, Musk witnessed the tragedy and spoke out in anger!

World-class entrepreneur Elon Musk entered the Palestinian refugee camp to gain a deeper understanding of the living difficulties faced by the locals and express his love and support for them. This decision is not surprising, as Musk has been promoting social justice and change...

Here comes the 'Sky Taxi'! What does it look like? How to use it? Come and see

Here comes the 'Sky Taxi'! What does it look like? How to use it? Come and see

Recently, China has independently developed2-ton eVTOL (Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle)M1's first aircraft successfully completed test flight in ShanghaiConsidered as the future 'air taxi'EVTOL aircraftAllow a 2-3 hour driveShorten to around 30 minutesSome Shanghai netizens claim thatI finish work at 6pm,At 7 o'clock, go to Yangcheng Lake to eat hairy crabs.This originally sounded like the situation in science fiction elementary school,It is expected to become a reality with the help of 'aerial taxis'So, what exactly does it look like?How to use it again?The 'air taxi' looks like thisThis first aircraft adopts a composite wing configuration schemeWith 20 rotorsThis machine is equipped with an electric systemFlight control systems, composite materialsLocalization of all three core linksHow do I use 'aerial taxi'?This type of aircraftCan take off and land vertically like a helicopterMaximum load 500 kgCan accommodate 5 peopleCruise speed 200 km/hThe designed range is 250 kilometersIn the future, it will mainly be used to solve problems within citiesShort distance air travel demand between citiesAllow a 2-3 hour driveShorten to around 30 minutesit is reportedThis machine has low requirements for the venueCompared to helicoptersIts safety is higherCan achieve the safety level of civil aviation aircraftAnd due to the use of electric driveCan achieve low noise and zero carbon emissionsHow is the current airworthiness promotion?Previously, Yufeng Future was established in September 2022Officially released to the publicManned eVTOLM1 Design SchemeAt the end of March 2023The first M1 aircraft was officially taken offline from the factoryAfter six months of testing on various systemsAnd full machine level testing optimizationM1 in September 2023Officially starting the first round of flight testingRapid progress in over 30 daysComplete full power ground testingElectromagnetic compatibility testingFull power aerial testingPneumatic servo elasticity testPower system failure mode testingHover test flight, low-speed flight test flight, etcMultiple major testing projects and successful first flight(Economic Reference News)...