Resignation of Vice President of SMIC International: To chill old employees, they continuously reduce their needs

Resignation of Vice President of SMIC International: To chill old employees, they continuously reduce their needs

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Capturing weak seismic wave signals as

Capturing weak seismic wave signals as "sea veins" to accurately signal the seabed

Recently, the "Offshore Oil 771" geophysical exploration vessel was equipped with the first set of underwater seismic exploration node acquisition system equipment independently developed by China - "Haimai" - and successfully completed the operation of the Bozhong 8-3 work area in the Bohai Sea. The core equipment of the "Sea Vein" system - node acquisition equipment, can capture seismic wave signals equivalent to 1/150 of the size of mosquito flight sound, with better performance, which also enables the "Sea Vein" to more accurately signal the seabed strata...

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 6 (Reporter Du Yanfei) A few days ago, in the 3000m ultra deepwater block in the the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the "Offshore Oil 720" deepwater geophysical exploration ship carried China's self-developed marine streamer seismic exploration acquisition equipment "Haijing" system, completed seismic exploration in ultra deepwater waters for the first time, and released China's first ultra deepwater 3D geological exploration map, marking new progress in the development of key core technical equipment for deepwater oil and gas exploration in China.The "Offshore Oil 720" geophysical exploration vessel is equipped with the "Sea Economy" system for ultra deep water exploration operations...