Sanmenxia Dam: Redemption for the Yellow River's Woes or a Nightmare for the People of Shaanxi?

Sanmenxia Dam: Redemption for the Yellow River's Woes or a Nightmare for the People of Shaanxi?

Sanmenxia Dam: Redemption for the Yellow River's Woes or a Nightmare for the People of Shaanxi?The Sanmenxia Dam, hailed as the First Dam on the Ten Thousand Li Yellow River, has been shrouded in controversy since its completion. Some consider it a monumental project safeguarding the Yellow River, while others view it as the biggest blunder in China's water conservancy history...

 The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River Management

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River Management

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River ManagementThe Sanmenxia Dam, the first large-scale water conservancy project on the main stream of the Yellow River, stands in the middle reaches of the river. It is an important milestone in the history of water conservancy construction in New China...

 The Sanmenxia Dam: A Legacy of Achievements and Controversies, Echoes of History

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Legacy of Achievements and Controversies, Echoes of History

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Legacy of Achievements and Controversies, Echoes of HistoryThe Sanmenxia Dam, a majestic and formidable water conservancy project, stands tall on the Yellow River, witnessing the glory of China's water conservancy construction and bearing the weight of epochal changes and people's reflections. It is a multifaceted project with flood control as its primary function, also capable of power generation, water diversion, and integrated navigation and power generation...

  The Sanmenxia Dam: A Microcosm of Yellow River Governance and a Warning

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Microcosm of Yellow River Governance and a Warning

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Microcosm of Yellow River Governance and a WarningThe Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, has nurtured the brilliant Chinese civilization and witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, a dam in the middle reaches of the Yellow River has sparked huge controversy, even leading Xi'an residents to despise it, outright demanding its demolition! This dam is the Sanmenxia Dam...

Should have blown it up long ago? Is the Sanmenxia Dam, which is hated by residents of Xi'an, a feat or a failure?

Should have blown it up long ago? Is the Sanmenxia Dam, which is hated by residents of Xi'an, a feat or a failure?

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