Comparison of the number of satellites in China, the United States, and Russia: 2944 in the United States, 169 in Russia, and China?

Comparison of the number of satellites in China, the United States, and Russia: 2944 in the United States, 169 in Russia, and China?

Space Sports: Competition and Cooperation in the International Satellite FieldIn 1957, humans launched their first artificial satellite, marking the beginning of the satellite era. Since then, satellite technology has continuously made breakthroughs, and space sports have entered a new chapter...

The Shandong ship passed by the Reagan, and the satellite took the same frame photo. The two aircraft carriers made the same choice!

The Shandong ship passed by the Reagan, and the satellite took the same frame photo. The two aircraft carriers made the same choice!

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Why is' Satellite Pot 'disabled and what can it be seen? We all underestimate 'satellite pot'

Why is' Satellite Pot 'disabled and what can it be seen? We all underestimate 'satellite pot'

Once upon a time, at homeInstall a 'satellite pot'You can watch dozens of TV channels for free, and I don't know how many people's memories it is.Nowadays, "satellite pots" are banned, which inevitably arouses everyone's curiosity...

Comparison of satellite photography between China and the United States, black and white photos of China, color photos of the United States, and Chinese technology not as good as the United States?

Comparison of satellite photography between China and the United States, black and white photos of China, color photos of the United States, and Chinese technology not as good as the United States?

Ladies and gentlemen, please click in the upper right cornerFollowDon't miss out on exciting content, easy to view at any time.Wen | Da He You LiaoEditor | Big Core with MaterialsIn February 2002, Russia and Ukraine engaged in a war, with heavy artillery fire, and countries around the world were paying close attention to the direction of the situation...


Hunan's "Can" Beidou | Global Beacon: Beidou Satellite Empowers Reading Wild Animal Stories with a "Small Collar"

Wildlife satellite tracking equipment.Red Net Moments News on October 21st(Reporter Wang Shiying, Li Saifeng, Liu Zhixiong) What are bats doing at night? The activity area of the wild Northeast tiger is 100 square kilometers Zhou Libo, Chairman of Hunan Global Xinshi Technology Co...

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zheng Xuan Correspondent Qin JieruiEvery year around March, a group of small swans set off from Dongting Lake and fly for about three days to reach Inner Mongolia. After a whole day off, they crossed the Northern Hemisphere and eventually arrived at the breeding ground at the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent...

Look! This is the sun captured by the Chinese people's own satellite

Look! This is the sun captured by the Chinese people's own satellite

Source: Xinhua News AgencyChina's first solar exploration satellite "Xihe" was launched on October 14, 2021. Over the past two years, the "Xihe" spacecraft has produced over 400TB of high-quality scientific data and a series of original scientific research achievements...

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Shocked! Is Huawei Mate60Pro Satellite Call Real? Revealing the Black Technology of Satellite Communication

Shocked! Is Huawei Mate60Pro Satellite Call Real? Revealing the Black Technology of Satellite Communication

Recently, Huawei's latest Mate60Pro phone was revealed to have satellite call functionality, and as a result, American media immediately questioned whether it was fake.However, according to the official statements of Huawei and China Satcom, the satellite call function of Mate60Pro is real and available, and questioning is purely a misunderstanding of the technical principles...

Today's Hot List | China's First Time! Good news from Jilin Changguang Satellite again!

Today's Hot List | China's First Time! Good news from Jilin Changguang Satellite again!

Source: [Jilin Network, China]Wednesday, October 12th.Today, let's take a look at what major events in Jilin Province are worth paying attention to...

China's carrier rocket failed to launch at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, resulting in a satellite crash

China's carrier rocket failed to launch at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, resulting in a satellite crash

prefaceThe rocket smoke rising from the blue sky of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which was supposed to be a symbol of technological progress and human wisdom, has become a symbol of loss and regret on this day. The path of space exploration has never been imagined as a flat road, but even so, when the Ceres 1 (Yao 11) rocket crashed into endless darkness with the Jilin 1 high scoring 04B star, everyone's heart was filled with deep sadness and reluctance...

Another high-level project has landed! Chengdu Satellite Internet Industry Takeoff

Another high-level project has landed! Chengdu Satellite Internet Industry Takeoff

Recently, the Chengdu High tech Zone signed a contract with Zhongxing Yuanwei (Chengdu) Technology Co., Ltd...