The Rise of Online Streamers: A New Profession and the Booming Live Streaming Industry

The Rise of Online Streamers: A New Profession and the Booming Live Streaming Industry

The Rise of Online Streamers: A New Profession and the Booming Live Streaming IndustryIn recent years, the online live streaming industry, with its unique charm and powerful influence, has rapidly become an undeniable force. Recent years have witnessed its booming development, not only expanding its user base but also deeply integrating with various industries...

Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

With the help of AI technology, digital human virtual anchors are rapidly heating up. During the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day this year, many "digital people" anchors quietly took up their posts and continuously broadcasted 24 hours a day, attracting many late night party members to place irrational orders...