Douyin Tests Integration of Doubao App's AI Capabilities, Signaling a Potential New Trend in AI Ecosystems

Douyin Tests Integration of Doubao App's AI Capabilities, Signaling a Potential New Trend in AI Ecosystems

Douyin Tests Integration of Doubao App's AI Capabilities, Signaling a Potential New Trend in AI EcosystemsNews broke on March 6th that Douyin (TikTok's Chinese counterpart) is testing the integration of Doubao App's AI capabilities, adding two prominent access points within its platform. This move has garnered significant attention, revealing Douyin's strategic intent to build an AI ecosystem...

  Wofei Aerospace AE200 Expected to Begin Conformity Verification in 2025, Aiming to Become the First 6-Seat eVTOL to Complete Manned Flight Tests

Wofei Aerospace AE200 Expected to Begin Conformity Verification in 2025, Aiming to Become the First 6-Seat eVTOL to Complete Manned Flight Tests

Wofei Aerospace AE200 Expected to Begin Conformity Verification in 2025, Aiming to Become the First 6-Seat eVTOL to Complete Manned Flight TestsNovember 11th, Wofei Aerospace announced that it expects to fully launch the conformity verification work of the AE200 in 2025. As Wofei Aerospace's first self-developed strategic product, the AE200 is a 6-seat, all-electric, manned eVTOL with multiple advantages in terms of safety, economy, comfort, and environmental protection...

 News Roundup: August 17, 2024: Satellite Launch, New Minerals Discovered, High-Speed Rail Tests, AI Breakthrough

News Roundup: August 17, 2024: Satellite Launch, New Minerals Discovered, High-Speed Rail Tests, AI Breakthrough

News Roundup: August 17, 2024: Satellite Launch, New Minerals Discovered, High-Speed Rail Tests, AI BreakthroughIt's Saturday, August 17th, 2024, the 14th day of the 7th lunar month. Today, let's take a look at some of the important news that happened yesterday, both domestically and internationally...