Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yetThe popularity and convenience of mobile phones have made them an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, sometimes we may not want to answer certain calls, but we do not want to take extreme shutdown or blackout actions...

Musk is transferring control of the Star Chain to the Pentagon! Netizen: Do you even want to pretend?

Musk is transferring control of the Star Chain to the Pentagon! Netizen: Do you even want to pretend?

#Headlines on current events and hot topics#Everyone is familiar with Musk's star chain system. It is like a snare in the sky, enveloping the entire earth, silently gazing at everyone...

Why do various apps want to obtain your phone permissions?

Why do various apps want to obtain your phone permissions?

The various APP software we use now basically requires you to authorize and obtain various permissions on your phone the first time you open it. Generally speaking, even if there are three types: location information, access to contacts, and access to albums, why does the APP need to access your various permissions? Today, let's have a good chat with everyone:In terms of simple positioning, this Big data can analyze whether you want to buy or rent a house...

Want to be tough with apples? Huawei Mate60 series enters mass production and is expected to be launched as soon as September

Want to be tough with apples? Huawei Mate60 series enters mass production and is expected to be launched as soon as September

Wen | YuanshanEdit | DuoyuBefore reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Zuckerberg still wanted to enter the Chinese market and turn around, but when he turned around, he found that there was no shore

Zuckerberg still wanted to enter the Chinese market and turn around, but when he turned around, he found that there was no shore

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that Meta, owned by Facebook founder Zuckerberg, is in talks with Chinese companies to introduce Meta's VR headwear devices into the huge Chinese market. However, potential Chinese partners are concerned that Zuckerberg's past involvement in China may pose risks...

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

The ancient Chinese ancestor left many classic sayings to future generations, such as hitting the snake and hitting the seven inch mark, coming without disrespect, and so on.In recent years, some European and American countries used some unfounded reasons to restrict the development of China's Semiconductor industry, trying to hinder the progress of China's advanced industries, and then consolidate their position in competitive industries and their leadership in the global industry chain...


Internet "Big Factory": Those who enter cannot access, while those outside want to enter

Large internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Byte are jokingly referred to as big factories due to their extensive business and scale, just like big factories. Internet giants with high salaries and abundant benefits, gathered in first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, are high-quality jobs that many young people aspire to, and are even considered as indicators of successful employment...

Want to use a mobile phone for more than five years? Performance and memory are key, and these four models are sufficient to meet

Want to use a mobile phone for more than five years? Performance and memory are key, and these four models are sufficient to meet

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