A professor from Wujiang, Suzhou has won the highest academic honor in Europe!
recentlyEuropean Academy of Natural Sciences(EuropaischeAkademieDerNaturwissenschaften) announcedShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)Dean of School of Computer Science and Control engineeringLecture ProfessorPan Yi from Wujiang, Suzhoube elected as2023European Academy of Natural SciencesEuropean Academy of Natural SciencesHannoverEuropean Academy of Natural Sciencesforty035European Academy of Natural Sciencesbe elected asAcademician of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, foreign academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, and academician of the European Academy of Science and ArtsShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)withMore than 250 SCI journal academic papersMore than 100 of them have been published in top academic journals such as IEEE/ACMTransactions/Journals. He also edited and published itfortyMultiple books and academic achievements have been cited20 thousandThe current H-index is 90...