It's changed! Both the abbreviation and full name are it!

It's changed! Both the abbreviation and full name are it!

Recently, a notice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the modification of the abbreviation has aroused heated debate.The notice stated: "Both the full name and the short name of our academy are 'Chinese Academy of Sciences'...

Not called 'Chinese Academy of Sciences'! Revised abbreviation of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Not called 'Chinese Academy of Sciences'! Revised abbreviation of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Circular of the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the Abbreviation of the Chinese Academy of SciencesOn July 11, the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent a notice on the abbreviation of our academy to the whole academy, some of which are as follows:In accordance with the Notice of the Secretary Bureau of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Abbreviations of Institutions under the State Council (GBMH [2023] No. 18), the Secretary Bureau of the General Office of the State Council revised the abbreviation of our institute, which is referred to as the Chinese Academy of Sciences after revision...