Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology Summer brings high temperatures and humidity, posing various challenges for users in South China. From stuffy and hot indoor environments to clammy clothes and easily perishable food, finding ways to stay comfortable during the summer months has become a significant concern for many...

 Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

In today's modern households, home appliances have become indispensable tools for convenience and comfort. However, the market is flooded with a wide range of options, from basic models to high-end luxury items...

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors are in talks to help Elon Musk's artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI raise $3 billion in a new funding round that would value the company at $180 billion, according to a report on April 7 by a foreign media outlet. Key Players Venture capital firms Gigafund and Steve Jurvetson are reportedly among the backers considering participating in the funding round...

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

On November 16-17, as an important component of the 25th High tech Fair, the "2023 Smart City Development Summit Forum" jointly hosted by the National Information Center and Asian Data Group was held in Shenzhen. This forum focuses on the theme of "digital transformation stimulates new vitality in cities", attracting active participation from representatives from various sectors such as government, enterprises, and research institutions...

laugh to death Dong Mingzhu, Wang Zizi, is a hot topic of discussion, and the Venus comments section is particularly interesting!

laugh to death Dong Mingzhu, Wang Zizi, is a hot topic of discussion, and the Venus comments section is particularly interesting!

Recently, Ms. Dong Mingzhu, the CEO of Gree, once again dominated the hot search list...

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

On November 15th, Beijing time, JD Group released its performance for the third quarter of 2023. Despite continuing to maintain true low prices for products, genuine subsidies from merchants, and genuine investment in services, its revenue in the third quarter still achieved a year-on-year positive growth...

JD Home's revenue in the third quarter of 2023 is 1.8 billion yuan

JD Home's revenue in the third quarter of 2023 is 1.8 billion yuan

On November 15th, Dada Group released its performance report for the third quarter of 2023, with multiple core indicators achieving steady growth. In the third quarter, the total revenue of Dada Group reached 2...

Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

recentlyNihon Keizai Shimbun reported thatReport forecast released by Mizuho Bank in JapanSmartphones will disappear by 2050According to this reportSmartphones are now available worldwideThe penetration rate is 65%And this numberWill decrease to 60% by 2030By 2050, it will decrease to 0%So, smartphonesMay the future disappear?If it disappears, it may appear againWhat kind of new communication tool?Smartphones enter the "three phase" superposition stageIt has been half a century since the birth of the world's first mobile phone. Over the past half century, with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, mobile phones have increasingly become an indispensable part of human daily life...

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens found that after rolling a few laps, dust started to rise. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens found that after rolling a few laps, dust started to rise. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled a few times and dust is rising all over. What is the reason Wav7:10From Lala, take you to see the worldPreface:The return journey of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft is full of uncertainty and challenges...

Hesai Technology's revenue in the third quarter was 450 million yuan, and 47440 lidars were delivered

Hesai Technology's revenue in the third quarter was 450 million yuan, and 47440 lidars were delivered

On November 14th, according to the unaudited financial data released by Hesai Technology for the third quarter of 2023, the company achieved a revenue of 450 million yuan in the third quarter, a year-on-year increase of 33.5%...

Restarting the US Lunar Landing Program: Revealing the Deep Causes of Space Competition

Restarting the US Lunar Landing Program: Revealing the Deep Causes of Space Competition

Landing on the moon has always been the ultimate goal in the field of space exploration, and space agencies from various countries are competing to launch lunar exploration plans. However, the recent announcement by the United States to restart its lunar landing program has sparked widespread speculation about the motives behind it...

Wang Jia'er Concert Nanjing Station starts! Leader Embraces Young People

Wang Jia'er Concert Nanjing Station starts! Leader Embraces Young People

On November 11th, Wang Jiaer MAGICMANWORLDTOUR2023-2024 arrived at Nanjing Station as scheduled. The two hour concert was packed to capacity, and the cheers and screams of fans were endless...