The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or notThe era of big data has profoundly changed our way of life, not only affecting personal privacy, but also playing an important role in legal and anti pornography work...

Update of domestic mobile phone sales chart: Huawei ranks second, Xiaomi ranks fourth, and the first place is expected

Update of domestic mobile phone sales chart: Huawei ranks second, Xiaomi ranks fourth, and the first place is expected

Qi Ji conducted a comprehensive summary and analysis of the performance of major brands in the latest smartphone sales weekly list. In this digital era, mobile phone sales are not only a manifestation of competition among manufacturers, but also consumers' recognition of technological innovation and product performance...

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

2023 CIIE: Upgrading the Artificial Intelligence Experience and Accelerating the Application of Industry Scenarios

From November 5th to 10th, the 6th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai. Numerous enterprises actively participated in the technical equipment exhibition area, with various highlights showcasing new products, technologies, and services...

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

Artificial gasoline technology has been improved, with a cost of less than three yuan per liter! But the result is simply unable to promote?

With the increasing global attention to environmental protection and energy security, various innovative energy technologies are constantly emerging. In March 2022, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences publicly announced that they had created "artificial gasoline" by kneading carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas together...

Disney: Starting testing and integrating Disney+and Hulu's new version of the app next month

Disney: Starting testing and integrating Disney+and Hulu's new version of the app next month

On November 9th, according to Disney's official announcement, a new version of the app that integrates Disney+and Hulu streaming services will be tested next month.According to the plan, the official version of the app is expected to be launched in the spring of 2024...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

Artificial Intelligence Helps Save Endangered Species

Artificial Intelligence Helps Save Endangered Species

The World Tide of Technological InnovationReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperIn a recent report, the UK's Nature website pointed out that an increasing number of scientists are using artificial intelligence in the field of biodiversity conservation. They analyze a large amount of data, monitor ecosystems, identify trends over time, address the challenge of biodiversity loss, and save endangered species...

Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

On November 7th, it was reported that many consumers across the country have received official packages from over 60 Intime department stores, which have been replaced with more low-carbon and environmentally friendly "green packages".The reporter learned from Yintai that in terms of green logistics alone, Yintai Department Store's annual carbon reduction exceeded 1184 tons, equivalent to the total amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 5383 trees over 20 years...

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

On November 7th, WeWork China recently released a statement stating that the significant strategic restructuring decision made by WeWork in the United States and Canada is not related to WeWork China.WeWork China emphasizes that it separated from WeWork as early as the end of 2020...

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng took a plane to Tunisia, and the engine started working one minute after the plane took off

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng took a plane to Tunisia, and the engine started working one minute after the plane took off

Huawei engineer Lv Xiaofeng went on a business trip to Tunisia by plane, but encountered an accident with an engine malfunction just one minute after the plane took off. This incident has recently attracted widespread attention and discussion on social media...

The Little Things on Earth are Online! Huawei Image Makes Another Big Picture

The Little Things on Earth are Online! Huawei Image Makes Another Big Picture

Chinese cinemas have over 80000 screens. When thousands of viewers enter the cinema, they immerse themselves in the huge screen in front of them for two hours, being attracted by various stories, moved by characters, and shocked by the themes expressed, which is the charm of movies...

Smart tourism should strive to avoid being flashy and unrealistic

Smart tourism should strive to avoid being flashy and unrealistic

Electronic tickets, intelligent tour guides, and a mobile phone tour of a city....