Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Reporter Fan JiaOn July 24th, the Shandong Provincial Government website released the "Action Plan for the Leap Development of Cross border E-commerce in Shandong Province (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), aiming to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts, cultivate 100 well-known cross-border e-commerce brands with strong international competitiveness, incubate 1000 emerging cross-border e-commerce enterprises, achieve cross-border e-commerce industry clustering, brand clustering, and efficient service by 2025 Ecological prosperity, promoting stable scale and optimized structure of foreign trade.The Action Plan lists eleven key work tasks:Innovate and enhance the "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt" model...