The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

Southern Morning Post All Media Reporter: Yan Fenli, Li YiRecently, Tencent's headquarters in Shenzhen, Binhai Building, underwent a "film coating" renovation of the glass curtain wall to prevent bird strikes, which has attracted the attention of netizens. Southern Morning Post's full media reporter learned that in Guangxi, bird collisions with glass curtain walls also occur from time to time...

For the first time in China, AI technology has been used to monitor birds, and 281 new species have been observed and recorded in Nantong

For the first time in China, AI technology has been used to monitor birds, and 281 new species have been observed and recorded in Nantong

On October 20th, a press conference held by the Nantong Ecological Environment Bureau revealed that Nantong is the first in the country to explore the use of AI (artificial intelligence) technology to achieve all-weather monitoring and protection of rare and endangered birds such as spoonbilled snipes, black faced spoonbills, and small swans.Traditional bird monitoring mainly relies on manpower, with high professional requirements, heavy workload, and significant interference with birds...

After multiple birds were killed, Tencent applied a

After multiple birds were killed, Tencent applied a "film" to the headquarters building! Why can't birds see glass?

One spray, two apply, and three scrape flat, carefully removing bubbles. Do you think this is the master applying film to the phone?Recently, Tencent has applied dot stickers to the exterior walls of its Shenzhen headquarters Binhai Building...

The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

Tengger Desert is one of the four deserts in China. The Great Wall of South Vietnam stretches to Helan Mountain in the east and Yabulai Mountain in the west, covering an area of about 30000 square kilometers...