Endless damage? Is the influx of Japanese nuclear radiation products into the Chinese market causing widespread concern?

Endless damage? Is the influx of Japanese nuclear radiation products into the Chinese market causing widespread concern?

With the continuous acceleration of globalization, international trade is everywhere. There is one piece of news that worries everyone - Japanese nuclear radiation products are flooding into the Chinese market...

After girls bought sweet potatoes, roast about the real economy, causing hot debate! Netizen: Money flows towards basic life

After girls bought sweet potatoes, roast about the real economy, causing hot debate! Netizen: Money flows towards basic life

Recently, an article titled 'Buying Sweet Potatoes to See the Real Economy, No wonder It's So Depression' has sparked a heated discussion among netizens. The article mainly discusses the recession of physical stores and the busy express delivery industry, and proposes the concept of small profits but quick sales...

Is the opening of the Yawan high-speed railway causing intense conflict among Indonesians? Chinese netizens are shocked

Is the opening of the Yawan high-speed railway causing intense conflict among Indonesians? Chinese netizens are shocked

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, please click on "Follow". We will update you with exciting stories and share different moments of stories every day!The world today is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities, and the international situation is becoming increasingly complex...

Shame on you! Ejected from the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli representative causing trouble Erdan angers the Chairman

Shame on you! Ejected from the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli representative causing trouble Erdan angers the Chairman

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click "Follow" and we will update you with exciting stories and share different story moments every day!In this magnificent drama, the forces of various countries interweave and compete with each other, forming a vivid world picture.Who will become the future protagonist?Shenzhou 16 will return! Netizens don't understand why China's space station needs to be openedThe news that the Shenzhou 16 astronaut is about to return to Earth has attracted widespread attention...

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recount

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recount

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recountOn October 16th, a video that occurred in the cabin of an airplane caught attention, causing passengers in the front and rear rows to argue over kicking their seats.The video shows that in the cabin of the plane, a short haired female passenger was emotional and exclaimed to the passengers in the back row, "Who cursed? Who cursed just now, Otherwise, we'll call the police after landingOn the morning of October 16th, Xiaoxiang Morning Post (WeChat: xxcbbaolao) contacted a passenger on the flight and revealed that the incident occurred on China United Airlines flight KN5352 from Xiamen to Jining, Shandong on October 15th...

Sudden! A malignant incident occurred in Shandong: a 36-year-old man committed the crime, causing an unbearable scene and revealing the insider information

Sudden! A malignant incident occurred in Shandong: a 36-year-old man committed the crime, causing an unbearable scene and revealing the insider information

The challenges of this era are undoubtedly enormous.With the rapid dissemination of information, the world has become more interconnected, but it has also brought about a series of complex global problems...

Why does a pipeline keep spewing fire when extracting oil? Aren't you afraid of causing danger?

Why does a pipeline keep spewing fire when extracting oil? Aren't you afraid of causing danger?

Chaivo Oilfield Orlan PlatformThe deepest oil well in the world has reached a depth of15000 metersChaivo Oilfield Orlan Platform2.3 billion barrels...

A Light aircraft crashed into farmland in Jiangsu, causing serious damage! The research and development company claims that one side of the fuel tank is empty

A Light aircraft crashed into farmland in Jiangsu, causing serious damage! The research and development company claims that one side of the fuel tank is empty

On July 13th, it was reported that a plane crashed into farmland in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, causing concern. The reporter from Nandu noticed that on the evening of the 13th, the official website of the Civil Aviation Administration of East China announced that there was no danger to the lives of the two people on board, and the aircraft was seriously injured...

A 2-seater light aircraft malfunctioned during takeoff in Zhenjiang, causing minor injuries to two people

A 2-seater light aircraft malfunctioned during takeoff in Zhenjiang, causing minor injuries to two people

Zhenjiang Dalu AirportOn July 13, Yangtse Evening Post (reporter Wan Lingyun), a small plane crashed in Zhenjiang farmland? On July 13th, the relevant video appeared online. What is the real situation? The reporter of Yangtse Evening Post/Ziniu News learned from the Safety Committee Office of Zhenjiang New Area that the incident happened on July 12, and the accident occurred in a small light aircraft with two seats...

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

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