Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Reporter Fan JiaOn July 24th, the Shandong Provincial Government website released the "Action Plan for the Leap Development of Cross border E-commerce in Shandong Province (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), aiming to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts, cultivate 100 well-known cross-border e-commerce brands with strong international competitiveness, incubate 1000 emerging cross-border e-commerce enterprises, achieve cross-border e-commerce industry clustering, brand clustering, and efficient service by 2025 Ecological prosperity, promoting stable scale and optimized structure of foreign trade.The Action Plan lists eleven key work tasks:Innovate and enhance the "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt" model...

We cannot feel the changes in 5G, but by understanding its three main characteristics, we can feel the power of 5G

We cannot feel the changes in 5G, but by understanding its three main characteristics, we can feel the power of 5G

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