Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

This year's Double 11 seems to have lost its previous popularity, and can even be said to be the coldest year in recent years! Here, we can explore and analyze together what exactly made this supposed hot day so desolate.1...

Why hasn't China Post closed down yet when its speed is so slow? Where is the strength of China Post that always gets scolded

Why hasn't China Post closed down yet when its speed is so slow? Where is the strength of China Post that always gets scolded

#Summer Creative Competition#Many people say that China Post is one of the few national teams to be defeated by a mixed army, such as the three links and one delivery on the market and SF Express, which both have faster delivery speeds than Postal Service. Is Postal Service really so bad? Should it be eliminated?China Post is no worse than private express deliveryRegarding the issue of slow speed in China Post, I believe that we cannot compare it solely in terms of speed, but also in terms of price...

Why did the Soviet Union still lose the Cold War on chips, despite the importance of technology and funding from the state?

Why did the Soviet Union still lose the Cold War on chips, despite the importance of technology and funding from the state?

In 1984, a Soviet engineer named Alexei Pakitnov developed the phenomenal game Tetris while fishing at work.Alexei PakitnovFriends who have played Tetris may have a deep understanding...

The coldest summer season for mobile phones: sales halved, inventory backlog, and single machine profits of tens of yuan

The coldest summer season for mobile phones: sales halved, inventory backlog, and single machine profits of tens of yuan

source |Tech Planetwriting |Wang Linsource |Figure insect creativityZhang Xiaofeng, who runs a mobile phone store in Inner Mongolia, did not welcome the expected summer. In the past, summer was one of the best-selling seasons for mobile phone brands (followed by winter vacation), with Q2 selling over 100 million phones throughout the summer at its peak...

Nine years ago, Dong Mingzhu angrily scolded the master of Peking University who went to sell Rice noodles. How was his life then?

Nine years ago, Dong Mingzhu angrily scolded the master of Peking University who went to sell Rice noodles. How was his life then?

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COVID-19 "laboratory leakage theory" This bowl of cold rice is rotten

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found Direct evidence to show that COVID-19 originated from Wuhan Virus Research Institute...

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI,

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI, "Da Mo analysts pour cold water on Tesla investors

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 2, according to foreign media reports, Adam Jonas, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, said in his research report on Thursday, "With such a vast potential market, Tesla can consider many things. But we believe that it is an automobile company in the final analysis...