After 17 years of construction, the Three Gorges Dam has accumulated 1.8 billion tons of sediment. What will be the ultimate consequences?

After 17 years of construction, the Three Gorges Dam has accumulated 1.8 billion tons of sediment. What will be the ultimate consequences?

According to calculations, the average annual sediment inflow of the Three Gorges Reservoir is500 million tonsAround, that's already built17 yearsIsn't the Three Gorges already silted up and silted up8500 million tons.What are the consequences of so much sediment accumulation, and how does the Three Gorges Reservoir remove sediment?Consequences of Three Gorges SiltationSince the planning of the Three Gorges Dam, there have been mixed reviews and criticisms, with water conservancy experts being the most concerned among themProfessor Huang WanliObjection, heOppose the construction of the Sanmenxia Dam and the Three Gorges Dam...

How serious will the consequences be once Apple exits the Chinese market? Guo Taiming: It's unimaginable

How serious will the consequences be once Apple exits the Chinese market? Guo Taiming: It's unimaginable

The global technology giant Apple's market share and influence in China are indisputable. However, there have been rumors recently that Apple may withdraw from the Chinese market, which is undoubtedly a shock to many people...

Why is there a No-fly zone over Beijing? The consequences of sudden intrusion are unbearable for anyone!

Why is there a No-fly zone over Beijing? The consequences of sudden intrusion are unbearable for anyone!

Why are no civil aviation aircraft allowed to fly over Beijing? Because of the consequences of suddenly breaking in, none of us can afford it!There is a special provision in the Civil Aviation Law that no Airliner is allowed to fly in and around the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing. That is to say, a No-fly zone has been set up in this airspace...

What are the consequences of not repaying Huabei, who was owed 300 billion yuan but was directly

What are the consequences of not repaying Huabei, who was owed 300 billion yuan but was directly "unloaded" by many people?

With the continuous improvement of development level in recent years, people's pursuit of spiritual civilization has become increasingly high. The development of Personal media has also made more ordinary people see what they could not see before,These invisible materials and entertainment have great temptation and attraction for people...