The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

You may have heard of it,China has a tunnel with a total length of only 13.39 kilometers, but it took 14 years to complete,What's going on here?This tunnel is the Shanyang Tunnel of the Dali Ruili Railway,It is known as the most difficult railway tunnel for surrounding rock excavation in China, and sometimes even becomes a "water curtain tunnel",Causing headaches for engineers...

The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

Southern Morning Post All Media Reporter: Yan Fenli, Li YiRecently, Tencent's headquarters in Shenzhen, Binhai Building, underwent a "film coating" renovation of the glass curtain wall to prevent bird strikes, which has attracted the attention of netizens. Southern Morning Post's full media reporter learned that in Guangxi, bird collisions with glass curtain walls also occur from time to time...