People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

Some people say that living alone is a kind of advanced freedom: you can choose what you like to eat without worrying about others' tastes; When sleeping, change positions without worrying about crowding; You can go out or stay at home as long as you likeIn fact, living alone can also bring some negative effects, in addition to being lonely, it is also not conducive to physical health. Studies have shown that people living alone may have a higher risk of cancer death...

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Many new self media players often complain in their operations: they are outputting content every day and don't know what to write/shoot for a long time? If you also have such troubles, then don't miss out on the three domestic AI writing tools recommended for you today. You can write articles and video scripts in 5 minutes!1...

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

Literary/erudite snow pearEditor/erudite snow pearApple has suffered setbacks in the Chinese market. Apple has achieved great success in the Chinese market, but in recent years, the company has faced a series of challenges, leading to a sharp decline in its market share in China...

Moving towards mid to high end: Manufacturing single champion enterprises are positively correlated with regional economic development

Moving towards mid to high end: Manufacturing single champion enterprises are positively correlated with regional economic development

At present, under the premise of returning to the real economy and manufacturing industry in the overall direction of the national economy, vigorously developing the high-end manufacturing industry with single champion enterprises as the core is the only way for China to move towards high-end manufacturing. According to professional statistics from relevant departments, since 2016, a total of seven batches of over 1200 enterprises (products) have been selected as the national level single champion in the manufacturing industry...

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the "aging friendly" transformation of over 9000 drugs

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: Big words can still be heard! On October 23rd, the Double Ninth Festival, Alibaba Health teamed up with Alibaba Public Welfare to leverage digital technology advantages and add new features to the drug boxes of over 9000 Chinese medicine approved drugs. As long as you open the traceability code or "Rest assured on the code" on the scan kit of Taobao or Alipay and click "Drug description", you can not only find the "large" drug description, such as usage and dosage, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other information at a glance; You can also experience the voice broadcasting function, allowing drug instructions to be both visible and audible, effectively solving the medication safety issues caused by elderly people's inability to read and understand instructions...

Weekend Reminder: This push must be forwarded to the 'Love One Family' group!

Weekend Reminder: This push must be forwarded to the 'Love One Family' group!

Comment: The Internet is aging and requires a two-way journeyHow to book museum tickets? "" How to return items that are not good online? "....

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

Science and Technology Daily reporter Wu Chunxin Correspondent Sun Juan and Yu YifeiOn October 21st, the Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Forum, a parallel forum of the "East Lake Forum," was held in Wuhan, Hubei. The "Global Enterprise Innovation Index Report 2023" was first released, comprehensively analyzing new trends in global enterprise development from three dimensions: knowledge creation, technological innovation, and innovation collaboration...

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zheng Xuan Correspondent Qin JieruiEvery year around March, a group of small swans set off from Dongting Lake and fly for about three days to reach Inner Mongolia. After a whole day off, they crossed the Northern Hemisphere and eventually arrived at the breeding ground at the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent...

The trend is coming! Induction cookers have become a new favorite in household cooking in Zhejiang, easily saving gas expenses!

The trend is coming! Induction cookers have become a new favorite in household cooking in Zhejiang, easily saving gas expenses!

Introduction:With the improvement of living standards and the enhancement of environmental awareness, more and more families are beginning to shift their habit of using gas stoves. Especially in Zhejiang Province, people have discovered a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to no longer installing gas stoves...

The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine independently developed by China is offline

The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine independently developed by China is offline

Source: People's Daily Weibo Replay suspend 00:07 / 00:49 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos The main bearing of the world's largest shield tunneling machine, developed independently by China, is offline. The bearing is a "big iron ring" with a diameter of 8...

The Su Rong Electric Headquarters Base Project has laid the foundation in Suzhou! Expected to be put into use by the end of 2024

The Su Rong Electric Headquarters Base Project has laid the foundation in Suzhou! Expected to be put into use by the end of 2024

Recently, the headquarters base of Surong Electric laid the foundation in Suzhou Industrial Park. The project is located in the Jinjihu Business District, west of Lujing Road and north of Tangzhuang Road...

Sure enough, between the energy storage landscape and the water, Wendeng's

Sure enough, between the energy storage landscape and the water, Wendeng's "super power bank" is extraordinary

Replay suspend 00:07 / 01:38 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Reporter Miao Runpeng is buried beneath the main peak of the Kunyu Mountains - Taibo Peak - in the hinterland of the mountain, the largest installed capacity in Shandong Province and the first pumped storage power station in the Jiaodong region - the State Grid Xinyuan Shandong Wendeng Pumped Storage Power Station. The power station has six major functions, including peak shaving, frequency regulation, phase modulation, energy storage, system backup, and black start, which can effectively regulate the dynamic balance between power supply and consumption, becoming the "energy storage pool" for the local consumption of new energy in the entire Jiaodong region...