WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

[World Wide Web Science and Technology Report] On July 8, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference "Metaverse Industrial Innovation Forum" was held in Shanghai. This forum was hosted by Ali Yuanjing...

Why does a Chinese train have to stop for 5 hours to leave when it enters Russia? Change the chassis of the train to understand

Why does a Chinese train have to stop for 5 hours to leave when it enters Russia? Change the chassis of the train to understand

Why does the K3 international train in China have to stop for 5 hours when entering Russia? What is the truth behind this?The K3 International Train is a transcontinental long-distance train from Beijing to Moscow in China. It started in 1959 and has been through more than 60 years of ups and downs...

Institutional Investors selected the best management team in Asia Pacific in 2023, and Ping An Insurance was rated as

Institutional Investors selected the best management team in Asia Pacific in 2023, and Ping An Insurance was rated as "the most respected enterprise in Asia"

Recently, in the selection of "2023 Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) Best Management Team" sponsored by the international authoritative financial media Institutional Investor magazine, Ping An Insurance China stood out from more than 1600 enterprises and won the title of "Asia's Most Admired Enterprise", which has been awarded for ten consecutive years. At the same time, the company's board of directors was awarded the "Best Company Board of Directors", while Xie Yonglin, the group's general manager and co CEO, and Chen Xinying, the group's executive vice general manager and co CEO, were awarded the "Best Chief Executive Officer"...

In the spirit of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei regards enterprises as

In the spirit of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei regards enterprises as "the State of Qin"

After Meng Wanzhou was arrested, the United States negotiated with Huawei. As long as you hand over 5G technology, your daughter will return her...

Ning Chang, Qin Xiaoning: Adding Inclusive Liquid Cooling Technology to Promote Green Transformation of Data Centers

Ning Chang, Qin Xiaoning: Adding Inclusive Liquid Cooling Technology to Promote Green Transformation of Data Centers

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAs the "base" of the digital economy, China's data center development has entered a "fast lane" in recent years. According to the Digital China Development Report (2022), as of the end of 2022, the total scale of data center racks in China exceeded 6...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

On July 3rd, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the operation of the Internet and related service industries from January to May 2023.According to data, from January to May, China's Internet and related service enterprise 1 (hereinafter referred to as Internet Enterprise 1) achieved internet business revenue of 531 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2...

The arrival of the future digital world requires the

The arrival of the future digital world requires the "two-way journey" of schools and enterprises

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy306&Nbsp;Since the beginning of this year, with the development of technologies such as AI and large models, this has accelerated the arrival of a more digital and intelligent world. It is reported that the process of technology has forced humans to think about how to keep up with the times and navigate the wave of technology in order to better serve people...


Internet "Big Factory": Those who enter cannot access, while those outside want to enter

Large internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Byte are jokingly referred to as big factories due to their extensive business and scale, just like big factories. Internet giants with high salaries and abundant benefits, gathered in first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, are high-quality jobs that many young people aspire to, and are even considered as indicators of successful employment...

Urban Smart Logistics Center Sails Again

Urban Smart Logistics Center Sails Again

This early summer, after continuous construction, the Dalian City Logistics Joint Distribution Center continued to "heat up" and became a key focus of attention in the Dalian "logistics circle". Recently, with the official launch of the high-end seafood ultra-low temperature logistics project in the logistics center, the logistics center has attracted 62 enterprises to settle in, relying on intelligent logistics methods to open the "golden age" of urban logistics for the beautiful coastal city of Dalian...

Ningchang Releases the

Ningchang Releases the "Worry Free Huanye Plan" to Promote the Construction of Green Data Centers

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn June 28th, Ningchang launched the "worry free Huanye Plan" to help data centers lower the threshold for liquid cooling upgrades and achieve synchronous upgrades of green and computational efficiency.Qin Xiaoning, President of Ningchang, said, "Currently, the demand for AI servers has significantly increased, but 80-90% of data centers still use air-cooled cooling...

Pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities will be carried out

Pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities will be carried out

Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Notice on the Pilot Work of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Digital transformation Cities (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). It is planned to organize the pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities in three batches from 2023 to 2025...

Yu Yingtao: In the AI era, enterprises should be brave in exploring and facing competition directly

Yu Yingtao: In the AI era, enterprises should be brave in exploring and facing competition directly

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy2023 NAVIGATEreporterAIAs is well known, language conveys ideas and breaks down physical barriers; Text transmits language, breaking time barriers; Printing and transmitting text, breaking down social barriers; The infinite links that span space on the Internet have greatly changed the interaction mode of information and the way society operates, enabling the construction of a digital world that corresponds to the physical world. Today's AI carries a vast amount of human knowledge and begins to self create new knowledge...