China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

According to the Hurun Rich website, the Hurun Research Institute released the "2023 Beauty Club Hurun Women Entrepreneurs List" on November 14th, listing the top 50 women entrepreneurs on this year's Hurun Rich List. Among them, Kuang Xiaoqing, the wife of Sun Hung Kai founder Guo Desheng, saw her wealth rise by 2...

The fifth anniversary of the opening of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, these data are very eye-catching

The fifth anniversary of the opening of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, these data are very eye-catching

Crossing Lingdingyang, connecting three places with one bridgeThe Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is five years old today!October 23...

Microsoft CEO Nadella: AI is the fifth major change I have experienced

Microsoft CEO Nadella: AI is the fifth major change I have experienced

On October 23rd, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently told the media, "AI is the fifth major change I am going through, I think AI is the biggest opportunity currently. Just like cloud computing has changed all software categories, we believe that artificial intelligence is such a transformative transformation...

The fifth episode of

The fifth episode of "The Road to Prosperity" titled "Journey to the New" will be aired tonight with highlights to watch first

Jointly build the "the Belt and Road", and the concept of green development is deeply rooted in people's hearts.Jointly build the "the Belt and Road", and digital technology opens a new life...

Who will be the top industrial giant in China? Ren Zhengfei can only rank fifth

Who will be the top industrial giant in China? Ren Zhengfei can only rank fifth

Once upon a time, only a few entrepreneurs in China's business community were able to wield enormous wealth and influence nationwide. They are pioneers of Chinese industry, laying a solid foundation for the economic development of modern China...