Musk: In the Future Earth, the number of robots on the earth will exceed that of humans

Musk: In the Future Earth, the number of robots on the earth will exceed that of humans

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On July 7, it was reported that at the opening ceremony of the 2023 World AI Conference, Tesla CEO Elon Musk gave a speech in the form of video, sharing his views on AI. He believes that the number of robots on Future Earth will exceed the number of humans in the future...

The arrival of the future digital world requires the

The arrival of the future digital world requires the "two-way journey" of schools and enterprises

Global Network Technology Report&Nbsp;reporter&Nbsp;Lindy306&Nbsp;Since the beginning of this year, with the development of technologies such as AI and large models, this has accelerated the arrival of a more digital and intelligent world. It is reported that the process of technology has forced humans to think about how to keep up with the times and navigate the wave of technology in order to better serve people...

What are the four billionaires who made billions on AI? Is AI the Future Development Direction

What are the four billionaires who made billions on AI? Is AI the Future Development Direction

Four billionaires make a fortune of 1 trillion yuan due to AIThe rise of any industry is like a double-edged sword, with both advantages and disadvantages. Artificial intelligence has improved people's work efficiency, but there are also alternative industries that no longer require the use of humans...

"Nepal and AI welcome the future together" | Seventy five generations of Confucius splashed ink on the scene to wish the World Internet Conference digital civilization Nishan dialogue a complete success

On the morning of June 19, when the delegation visited the Confucius Mansion, Kong Xiangsheng, the grandson of the seventy-five generation of Confucius, splashed ink on the spot and wrote two calligraphy works, "World Internet Conference" and "Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization"."First of all, I wish the World Internet Conference Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization a complete success...

What will be the future transportation like? These black technologies are the first to see

What will be the future transportation like? These black technologies are the first to see

What will be the changes in our travel methods in the future? How can digital technology and "dual carbon" technological achievements make public transportation smarter and more environmentally friendly? At the recently held 2023 World Transportation Conference, a large number of black technologies related to future transportation development have made a concentrated appearance.'Ground bound Flight' will fill the gap between high-speed rail and civil aviationHigh speed maglev train is a new transportation system with high speed, safety, green and intelligence...

Every 6 months in the future? Research points out that each person is infected 2-3 times a year or becomes normal!

Every 6 months in the future? Research points out that each person is infected 2-3 times a year or becomes normal!

On June 13, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission released the epidemic situation in the 23rd week. From June 5 to 11, Beijing reported 16 969 cases of 14 Notifiable disease, and 5 deaths...

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiThe rapid development of communication infrastructure represented by 5G and Information infrastructure represented by cloud computing also provides basic conditions for the integration of network and computing power. By providing a "bridge" for computing power through the network, computing power networks provide social basic services like water and electricity...

The Status and Future of Supercomputers

The Status and Future of Supercomputers

Supercomputers refer to computer systems that can perform extremely fast and large-scale calculations, typically consisting of thousands or millions of processor cores, capable of handling complex scientific and engineering problems. Supercomputers have important applications in various fields, such as weather forecasting, climate simulation, biomedicine, materials science, energy research, artificial intelligence, etc...

2023 Digital Expo, Journalists Experience Media Tools for the Future

2023 Digital Expo, Journalists Experience Media Tools for the Future

"At present, we are at a new starting point. This is a new era of AI with the big model as the core...

To be honest, in the future, domestic chips will depend on Xiaomi

To be honest, in the future, domestic chips will depend on Xiaomi

Is there a new trend in Xiaomi's self-developed chips?On May 24th, at Xiaomi's Q1 2023 financial report communication meeting, Xiaomi President Lu Weibing stated that Xiaomi's determination to invest in chips has not wavered.It should be noted that the recent closure of OPPO's chip company Zheku has had a significant impact on the domestic chip industry, and there are concerns about whether Xiaomi's self-developed chips will be affected...

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Integrating Science and Education to Safeguard Future Urban Safety

Science and Technology Daily News (Guo Guozhong, Liu Xinshengyi, Reporter Xia Fan) From May 27th to 28th, the Second International Conference on Urban Public Safety and Emergency Rescue was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.At the meeting, a number of scientific and technological innovation and high-level talent cultivation cooperation platforms were unveiled, including the Key Emergency Management College of Jiangsu Province, the Emergency Management College of Changzhou City, the School of Safety Science and Engineering of Changzhou University, the School of Emergency Management Science and Engineering, and the "Power Battery Safety and Accident Prevention and Control Technology Engineering Laboratory" of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, And a batch of latest technical equipment and application achievements in major safety risk prevention and control and emergency response have been released in a centralized manner...

Alibaba Cloud Intelligent CTO Zhou Jingren: MaaS has become an industry standard, and future applications will be developed around models

Alibaba Cloud Intelligent CTO Zhou Jingren: MaaS has become an industry standard, and future applications will be developed around models

On May 28th, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Big Models was held in Beijing. Zhou Jingren, CTO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, delivered a keynote speech titled "MaaS, A New Paradigm of AI in the Cloud Intelligence Era"...