If there are such

If there are such "symptoms" on the phone, it is necessary to immediately turn it off. Multiple people have already been transferred through "gaps"

If your phone experiences such "symptoms", be sure to immediately shut down it to prevent the mobile account from being transferred through "gaps".With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have penetrated into our daily lives, providing great convenience for our lives, and also endowing us with rich ways of entertainment and information acquisition...


The "obscene and pornographic" network information department investigates and punishes "quark" NetEase CC, ordering two platforms to immediately rectify

Recently, the quark platform and NetEase CC live streaming platform have been investigated and dealt with by relevant departments, causing widespread social attention. The National Cyberspace Administration guided the Guangdong Provincial Cyberspace Administration to conduct interviews with the leaders of the two platforms and imposed severe penalties on the network ecological issues involved...

These behaviors seriously damage the phone battery, please terminate immediately

These behaviors seriously damage the phone battery, please terminate immediately

When we use mobile phones, many people do not pay much attention to the maintenance of the phone battery. Many people buy new phones, and the battery loses power very quickly...

Guo Meimei: After being released from prison for the second time, she immediately showed off her wealth and bought the latest 7000 Huawei mobile phone. As expected, her true nature is hard to change

Guo Meimei: After being released from prison for the second time, she immediately showed off her wealth and bought the latest 7000 Huawei mobile phone. As expected, her true nature is hard to change

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" and thank you for your support.Article 17Editor | Lin Shenshi Meets DeerprefaceOn September 12th,Guo MeimeiRare updatesSocial platforms:Slowly understand the world,Slowly update yourself...

Your phone has received this message and must be turned off immediately! Multiple people have already been transferred through 'gaps'

Your phone has received this message and must be turned off immediately! Multiple people have already been transferred through 'gaps'

In the era of rapid development of the Internet, our remittance or online transfer business can be done directly online, which is very convenient and time-saving.In order to protect our property security and interests, the bank will ask us to set a password during payment, but now some people will use illegal means to steal our privacy...

These products will be taken off the shelves immediately, and sales are strictly prohibited, involving platforms such as Tmall Pinduoduo

These products will be taken off the shelves immediately, and sales are strictly prohibited, involving platforms such as Tmall Pinduoduo

Mobile power supply, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and spot check results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one third of the products in the spot check are unqualified...

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through "gaps"

Wen | Meeting GodEditor | DaewoofollowSecurity issues are a commonplace issue. Many people, in order to avoid various risks, return to nature...

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

@The Tencent WeChat team has just released the latest statement on the issue of university fee rates:Several universities announced to stop WeChat Pay from July 1, and Tencent respondedRecently, many universities across the country announced that WeChat Pay will be suspended from July 1.In the afternoon of June 29, when the reporter opened the official website of Northwest University, Northwest University said that, because Tencent WeChat Pay will carry out fine management on campus scene users, except for tuition fees, other charges will be limited and 0...