COVID-19 "laboratory leakage theory" This bowl of cold rice is rotten

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found Direct evidence to show that COVID-19 originated from Wuhan Virus Research Institute...

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Liu Xia) An international scientific research team led by scientists from the International Climate and Environment Research Center (CICERO) in Oslo, Norway, published a paper on the magazine Communication Earth and Environment published on June 7, saying that the impact of leaked hydrogen on global warming is almost 12 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is the most comprehensive assessment of the climate impact of hydrogen gas to date, filling the relevant knowledge gap...