The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

How astonishing is human intelligence and creativity?We can build skyscrapers that soar into the clouds, or build bridges that span the sea. We can transform nature and create miracles...

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the "Double 11 revenue of 25 billion yuan": never releasing data, economists: the development trend of live streaming e-commerce has begun to shift from "top anchor" to "store anchor"

On November 13th in the financial industry, according to media reports today, according to Li Jiaqi's team's statistics, based on the sales and selling prices of Li Jiaqi's live streaming room, during the Double Eleven period this year, Li Jiaqi's total revenue is conservatively estimated to exceed 25 billion yuan. According to media reports, the US ONE side responded by stating that it never released the Double Eleven data...

Foxconn made a huge mistake! Guo Taiming's shocking scandal exposed!

Foxconn made a huge mistake! Guo Taiming's shocking scandal exposed!

What is the story behind the success of Foxconn and Terry Gou? What impact does personal effort and opportunity giving have on success? Recently, Foxconn, as a global electronics manufacturing giant, has frequently become the focus of news and has been investigated by two major authoritative departments. However, behind all of this, we should also understand Guo Taiming's arduous journey from a poor background to becoming a successful entrepreneur today, as well as the spirit of innovation and hard work he advocates...

Interview | Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry Comes to Wuhan Again 11 Years Later: Wuhan is developing rapidly, and the scientists here are full of vitality

Interview | Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry Comes to Wuhan Again 11 Years Later: Wuhan is developing rapidly, and the scientists here are full of vitality

On October 13th, the 2023 International Photochemical Technology and Industry Conference concluded in Wuhan. At the closing ceremony of the conference, Benjamin Liszt, winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, gave a keynote speech on "Organic Catalysts of Human Society"...

Charge your phone to 100% before unplugging? So we all made a mistake! No wonder the lifespan of mobile phones is getting shorter and shorter

Charge your phone to 100% before unplugging? So we all made a mistake! No wonder the lifespan of mobile phones is getting shorter and shorter

Mobile phones have become an essential part of modern life, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like without them. Mobile phones play an important role in daily life, such as payment, contacting family and friends, and online shopping...

Chinese experts have made too many mistakes in predicting, which has made us very passive. The underlying reasons for these mistakes and solutions

Chinese experts have made too many mistakes in predicting, which has made us very passive. The underlying reasons for these mistakes and solutions

The misjudgment of Chinese experts has brought us a lot of passivity and errors in certain situations. There are some deep-seated reasons behind this phenomenon, and we need to recognize and solve these problems to avoid similar mistakes from happening again...

Korean chips cannot be sold and piled up like mountains. The three major mistakes made by Koreans should be paid back now

Korean chips cannot be sold and piled up like mountains. The three major mistakes made by Koreans should be paid back now

Ladies and gentlemen, please click in the upper right cornerFollowDon't miss out on exciting content, easy to view at any time.Wen | Da He You LiaoEditor | Big Core with MaterialsOn a global scale, there are only a few countries with developed semiconductor industries, and South Korea can be considered one of them...

The world's most serious engineering mistake: spending a huge amount of money to build a bad debt! China accounts for two

The world's most serious engineering mistake: spending a huge amount of money to build a bad debt! China accounts for two

The result of investing a huge amount of funds, consuming a lot of manpower, and meticulously designed drawings....

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

On July 12, the 33rd International Geochemistry Conference was held in Lyon, France. Academician Xie Shucheng, academician of the CAS Member and director of the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), won the Alfred Tribbs Award, the highest award in the field of international Organic geochemistry, in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of geological lipid molecules and isotopes...

The reason for the failed launch of the starship was that Musk made a mistake by not repairing the launder

The reason for the failed launch of the starship was that Musk made a mistake by not repairing the launder

You can't imagine what caused the failed launch of a starship, and what caused three engines to fail to ignite as soon as they were ignited? Although it is bundled with 33 engines, the probability of three malfunctioning during takeoff and ignition is also too high, just like buying a 30 ring fireworks and three misfires are relatively rare, let alone a precision designed starship spacecraft.So what exactly is it about? Now it seems that the reason is that the starship launcher lacks a key facility, which is probably because Musk didn't come to repair it in a hurry...

Xie Shucheng, Academician of GDU, won the highest international Organic geochemistry award, the first time a Chinese scientist won this award

Xie Shucheng, Academician of GDU, won the highest international Organic geochemistry award, the first time a Chinese scientist won this award

Hubei Daily (Reporter Zhang Xin, Correspondent Liu Deng, Wang Junfang) On July 12, the 33rd International Geochemistry Conference was held in Lyon, France. Xie Shucheng, academician of the CAS Member and director of the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), won the Alfred Tribbs Award, the highest award in the field of international Organic geochemistry...

Liu Qiangdong always sends money when he goes back to his hometown, which is very high-profile. Now he knows his mistake

Liu Qiangdong always sends money when he goes back to his hometown, which is very high-profile. Now he knows his mistake

Why do you say that if a person is developed, they should never go home and show off. Look at Liu Qiangdong, the leader of Jingdong, who used to be very high-profile when he went back to his hometown to give money to others...