Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

First thing: Civil Aviation Administration: Encourage aviation companies to provide more preferential policies for students to purchase ticketsRecently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China expressed its concern and support for the student community on online platforms. This measure is a response to the suggestion of netizens to "launch discounted student airfare"...

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recount

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recount

The incident occurred at China United Airlines! Disappointed front row passengers on a woman's plane, causing a dispute by reversing their seats, witnesses recountOn October 16th, a video that occurred in the cabin of an airplane caught attention, causing passengers in the front and rear rows to argue over kicking their seats.The video shows that in the cabin of the plane, a short haired female passenger was emotional and exclaimed to the passengers in the back row, "Who cursed? Who cursed just now, Otherwise, we'll call the police after landingOn the morning of October 16th, Xiaoxiang Morning Post (WeChat: xxcbbaolao) contacted a passenger on the flight and revealed that the incident occurred on China United Airlines flight KN5352 from Xiamen to Jining, Shandong on October 15th...

Sudden! A malignant incident occurred in Shandong: a 36-year-old man committed the crime, causing an unbearable scene and revealing the insider information

Sudden! A malignant incident occurred in Shandong: a 36-year-old man committed the crime, causing an unbearable scene and revealing the insider information

The challenges of this era are undoubtedly enormous.With the rapid dissemination of information, the world has become more interconnected, but it has also brought about a series of complex global problems...

The next pandemic will definitely occur, and scientists should be prepared for the next pandemic!

The next pandemic will definitely occur, and scientists should be prepared for the next pandemic!

David Ho, a Chinese scientist at Columbia University, recently established the "Pandemic Research Alliance" with Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, to jointly carry out research on emerging infectious diseases. In an interview with Phoenix TV, David Ho stressed that global scientists should work together to prepare for the next pandemic...

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geology

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geology

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geologyOn July 9th, in Renhuai, Guizhou, the walls of the Tanchang Tunnel on the Zunchi Expressway leaked water, causing multiple streams of water to spray out, attracting the attention of many netizens...

Having used your phone for 5 years is already the limit. When these 4 types of situations occur, don't hesitate to update or upgrade it

Having used your phone for 5 years is already the limit. When these 4 types of situations occur, don't hesitate to update or upgrade it

As a necessity in our daily life, mobile phones can be said to be very important, but as a digital product, they definitely have a lifespan.And if we encounter any unexpected situations, it will also shorten the lifespan of our phones...

What changes occur to the body after death? Scientist: Six minutes after death, people still have consciousness

What changes occur to the body after death? Scientist: Six minutes after death, people still have consciousness

The UP host "Wu Wuliu" on Bilibili uploaded a video mainly commemorating his deceased grandmother, and what surprised people was that this UP host used AI technology to "resurrect" her deceased grandmother through virtual digital humans.However, Mask, the founder of SpaceX in the United States, is a typical technology maniac...