What is special about the Nu River, the only major river in China that has not built a hydropower station? Why not build a huge water flow?

What is special about the Nu River, the only major river in China that has not built a hydropower station? Why not build a huge water flow?

Text: Mr. PenholderEditor: Mr...

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic "Room N"? Stealth filming? Video packaging and selling?

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A product that has been phased out for a long time in China has become popular throughout Africa. Black people: such a good thing doesn't need to be

A product that has been phased out for a long time in China has become popular throughout Africa. Black people: such a good thing doesn't need to be

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At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is new news from the international community! The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations

At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is new news from the international community! The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations

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Import Expo: The appearance of mutual cool vehicle mounted drones to create unique features such as automatic flight companion

Import Expo: The appearance of mutual cool vehicle mounted drones to create unique features such as automatic flight companion

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: At the China International Import Expo held in Shanghai from November 5th to November 10th, Geely Technology's Intercool Technology showcased its innovative product - the Intercool car mounted drone specifically designed for motorcycle users, which received attention.It is understood that the mutual cool car mounted drone is different from the traditional "aerial photography drone"...

Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

On November 7th, it was reported that many consumers across the country have received official packages from over 60 Intime department stores, which have been replaced with more low-carbon and environmentally friendly "green packages".The reporter learned from Yintai that in terms of green logistics alone, Yintai Department Store's annual carbon reduction exceeded 1184 tons, equivalent to the total amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 5383 trees over 20 years...

Samsung MICROLED Products Appear at the 2023 Import Expo

Samsung MICROLED Products Appear at the 2023 Import Expo

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportThe 6th CIIE was held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th. Samsung Electronics has participated in the Expo for the sixth consecutive year and brought products such as MiniLED and OLED...

The first World Life Science Expo will be held in Boao, Hainan

The first World Life Science Expo will be held in Boao, Hainan

Global Network Comprehensive ReportRecently, it was learned from the Secretariat of the Life Science Society of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology that on the morning of November 7th, the first press conference of the 2024 World Life Science Congress and World Life Science Expo was held at the Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center in Qionghai City, Hainan Province. Academician Meng Anming, Chairman of the Life Sciences Association of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, attended and introduced the characteristics and highlights of the conference...

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

On November 7th, WeWork China recently released a statement stating that the significant strategic restructuring decision made by WeWork in the United States and Canada is not related to WeWork China.WeWork China emphasizes that it separated from WeWork as early as the end of 2020...

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

On November 7th, according to foreign media reports, Mike Ybarra, CEO of Activision Blizzard, said recently about his feelings after joining Microsoft, "I believe building a team, focusing on culture, and creating freely will make Blizzard feel more independent than ever beforeOn October 13th, Microsoft officially completed a $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard.Previously, Microsoft had stated that after completing the acquisition, it would start adding Activision Blizzard games to GamePass next year...

Release of the Development Report on Domestic Server Operating Systems (2023)

Release of the Development Report on Domestic Server Operating Systems (2023)

Recently, the "Report on the Development of Domestic Server Operating Systems (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") was officially released. The report summarizes the current situation, technical difficulties, and open-source ecology of the domestic server operating system industry, and evaluates its development trend...

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Ladies and gentlemen, please click in the upper right cornerFollowDon't miss out on exciting content, easy to view at any time.Knowledge of Bread ClipsEditing | Bread Clip KnowledgePrefaceChina's current development can be said to be rapid, and various industries in China are showing a trend of vigorous development...